
Family and society – This course reviews central issues related to family studies, with a special focus on the relationship between family practices and social, economic and political processes. Historical developments that lead to changes in family structure will be examined, alongside central theoretical perspectives on family life and family change. The main topics to be discussed include demographic processes related to family life – marriage, divorce and childbirth; alternative family structures; the division of labor in the family and its relationship to women’s position within the family and in society at large; and the effect of social policies on the family.

Sociological aspects of Poverty – The course reviews the main issues associated with life in poverty. Topics include: the measurement of poverty and its implications; major theories explaining poverty; and the consequences of living in poverty. The course highlights major issues associated with ecological and social aspects of poverty, including the role of neighborhoods on life chances. The last part of the course deals with welfare policies with a special focus on Israel in comparison to other welfare states.

Employment Discrimination (seminar) – The seminar investigates the concept of discrimination the labor market, focusing on its sources and consequences, as well as the role of legal acts and social policies in reducing market inequities. During the seminar we will examine data on discrimination in Israel, focusing on different groups in the labor market such as women, Arabs, Mizrachim, older workers, immigrants, the handicapped. The seminar addresses the theoretical explanations and methodological problems concerning with discrimination. Students will be asked to conduct an independent empirical study which will be discussed and presented during the seminar meetings.

 Careers along the life course (Seminar) – A Research Seminar, focusing on careers of individuals along their life course. We will discuss sociological and methodological issues from a life course perspective, with a special focus on the intersection of work and family lives. Among the topics: Changes in occupational careers; changes in family behaviors; the rol of the state and social policy in shaping careers.

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