Our research provides a detailed look at the core intersection of human brain and behavior, utilizing a multimodal approach combining behavioral psychophysics, non-invasive brain stimulation, virtual reality, and neuroimaging. This approach enables us to establish a cause-and-effect link between changes in human behavior and their underlying brain mechanisms.
Specifically, we have been leveraging mechanisms identified at the synaptic-level showing that brief reactivations of existing memories open discrete time windows for plasticity – and apply them to induce human brain plasticity at the systems-level and impact behavior: enhancing visual perception and motor action, or downregulating negative memories.
Prof. Censor received his M.Sc. in Physics and Ph.D. in Neurobiology from The Weizmann Institute of Science, studying the dynamics of human visual perception across time with Prof. Dov Sagi. He then completed his post-doctoral training at The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland with Dr. Leonardo Cohen, studying motor learning and memory in health and disease using non-invasive brain stimulation. Prof. Censor is a faculty member at the School of Psychological Sciences and Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University.
Our Team
Neta Mudahi
Lab Manager
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Taly Kondat
PhD Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Stas Kozak
PhD Student
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Or Dezachyo
PhD Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Gilad Schrift
PhD Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Roei Zilber
M.Sc Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Ron Philos
M.Sc Student
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Tomer Muller
M.Sc Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Shir Moshe
Research Assistant
Sagol School
of Neuroscience
Rotem Hacohen
Research Assistant
The School of
Psychological Sciencesnoamhacohen@mail.tau.ac.il
Rony Laor Maayany
Lab Manager
Dekel Abeles
Postdoctoral Fellow
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Noa Herz
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Jasmine Herszage
PhD Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Shira Kloerfeld-Auslender
PhD Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Dean Shmuel
MSc Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Rotem Amar-Halpert
MSc Student
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Eden Zohar
MSc Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Noga Mendalovich
MSc Student
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Maya Aderka
Research Assistant
Sagol School
of Neurosciences
Maya Toker
Research Assistant
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Tamar Keshet
Research Assistant
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Idan Haklay
Research Assistant
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Ilana Shinder
Research Assistant
The School of
Psychological Sciences
Omer Salomon
Yehuda Zur
Elias Bisharat