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Zohar E, Kozak S, Abeles D, Shahar M, Censor N (2024) Convolutional neural networks uncover the dynamics of human visual memory representations over time. Cerebral Cortex, 34: bhae447.
Kozak S, Herz N, Tocker M, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N (2024) Memory modulation: Dominance of negative visual context over neutral verbal memory. PLoS One, 19: e0312042.
Kondat T, Tik N, Sharon H, Tavor I, Censor N (2024) Distinct Neural Plasticity Enhancing Visual Perception. The Journal of Neuroscience, 44: e0301242024.
Kondat T, Aderka M, Censor N (2023) Modulating temporal dynamics of performance across retinotopic locations enhances generalization of perceptual learning. iScience, 26: 108276.
Seitz AR, et al. (2023) Perceptual Learning: Policy insights from basic research toreal-world applications. PIBBS, 10: 324-332.
Abeles D, Herszage J, Shahar M, Censor N (2023) Initial motor skill performance predicts future performance, but not learning. Scientific Reports, 13: 11359.
Kozak S, Dezachyo O, Stanford W, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N, Dayan E (2023) Elevated integration within the reward network underlies vulnerability to distress. Cerebral Cortex, 33: 5797-5807.
Herszage J, Bönstrup M, Cohen L G, Censor N (2023) Reactivation‑induced motor skill modulation does not operate at a rapid micro‑timescale level. Scientific Reports, 13: 2930.
Schrift G, Dotan D, Censor N (2022) Brief memory reactivations induce learning in the numeric domain. NPJ Science of Learning, 7: 18.
Nasr K, Haslacher D, Dayan E, Censor N, Cohen LG, Soekadar SR (2022) Breaking the boundaries of interacting with the human brain using adaptive closed-loop stimulation. Progress in Neurobiology, 216: 102311.
Klorfeld-Auslender S, Paz Y, Shinder I, Rosenblatt J, Dinstein I, Censor N (2022) A distinct route for efficeint learning and generalization in autism. Current Biology, 32: 3203-3209.
Herz N, Bar-Haim Y, Tavor I, Tik N, Sharon H, Holmes EA, Censor N (2022) Neuromodulation of visual cortex reduces the intensity of intrusive memories. Cerebral Cortex, 32: 408-417.
Johnson BP, Dayan E, Censor N, Cohen LG (2022) Crowdsourcing in Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience. The Neuroscientist, 428: 425-437.
Herszage J, Sharon H, Censor N (2021) Reactivation-induced motor skill learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 118: e2102242118.
Dezachyo O, Kozak S, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N, Dayan E (2021) Intrinsic functional connectivity of the anterior cingulate cortex is associated with tolerance to distress. eNeuro , 8: 1-8.
Kozak S, Herz N, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N (2021) Indirect modulation of human visual memory. Scientific Reports , 11: 7274.
Emanuel A, Herszage J, Sharon H, Liberman N, Censor N (2021) Inhibition of the supplementary motor area affects distribution of effort over time. Cortex, 134: 134-144.
Shmuel D, Frank SM, Sharon H, Sasaki Y, Watanabe T, Censor N (2021) Early visual cortex stimulation modifies well-consolidated perceptual gains. Cerebral Cortex , 31: 138-146.
Herz N, Bar-Haim Y, Holmes EA, Censor N (2020) Intrusive memories: A mechanistic signature for emotional memory persistence. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 135: 103752.
Herz N, Dan O, Censor N, Bar-Haim Y (2020) Reply to Herschlag: Enhancing integrative science by acknowledging our biases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117: 16117.
Bönstrup M, Iturrate I, Hebart MN, Censor N, Cohen LG (2020) Mechanisms of offline motor learning at a microscale of seconds in large-scale crowdsourced data. NPJ Science of Learning, 5: 1-10.
Herz N, Dan O, Censor N, Bar-Haim Y (2020) Opinion: Authors overestimate their contribution to scientific work, demonstrating a strong bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117: 6282-6285.
Herszage J, Dayan E, Sharon H, Censor N (2020) Explaining individual differences in motor behavior by intrinsic functional connectivity and corticospinal excitability. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14: 76.
Klorfeld-Auslender S, Censor N (2019) Visual-oculomotor interactions facilitate consolidation of perceptual learning. Journal of Vision, 19: 1-10.
Bönstrup M, Iturrate I, Thompson R, Cruciani G, Censor N, Cohen LG (2019) A rapid form of offline consolidation in skill learning. Current Biology, 29: 1-6.
Gabitov E, Boutin A, Pinsard B, Censor N, Fogel SM, Albouy G, King BR, Carrier J, Cohen LG, Karni A, Doyon J (2019) Susceptibility of consolidated procedural memory to interference is independent of its active task-based retrieval. PLoS One, 14: e0210876.
Herszage J, Censor N (2018) Modulation of learning and memory: A shared framework for interference and generalization. Neuroscience, 392: 270-280.
Dayan E, Herszage J, Laor-Maayany R, Sharon H, Censor N (2018) Neuromodulation of reinforced skill learning reveals the causal function of prefrontal cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 39: 4724-4732.
Lugassy D, Herszage J, Pilo R, Brosh T, Censor N (2018) Consolidation of complex motor skill learning: Evidence for a delayed offline process. Sleep Research Society, 1-7.
Amar-Halpert R, Laor-Maayany R, Nemni S, Rosenblatt JD, Censor N (2017) Memory reactivation improves visual perception. Nature Neuroscience, 20: 1325-1328.
Gabitov E, Boutin A, Pinsard B, Censor N, Fogel S, Albouy G, King B, Benali H, Carrier J, Cohen LG, Karni A, Doyon J (2017) Re-stepping into the same river: Competition problem rather than a reconsolidation failure in an established motor skill. Scientific Reports, 7: 9406.
Herszage J, Censor N (2017) Memory reactivation enables long-term prevention of interference. Current Biology, 27: 1529-1534.
Arazi A, Censor N, Dinstein I (2017) Neural variability quenching predicts individual perceptual abilities. Journal of Neuroscience, 37: 97-109.
Censor N, Harris H, Sagi D (2016) A dissociation between consolidated perceptual learning and sensory adaptation in vision. Scientific Reports, 6: 38819.
Dayan E, Laor-Maayany R, Censor N (2016) Reward disrupts reactivated human skill memory. Scientific Reports, 6: 28270.
Censor N, Buch ER, Nader K, Cohen LG (2016) Altered human memory modification in the presence of normal consolidation. Cerebral Cortex, 26: 3828-3837.
Sandrini M, Cohen LG, Censor N (2015) Modulating reconsolidation: A link to causal systems-level dynamics of human memories. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19: 475-482.
Censor N, Horovitz SG, Cohen LG (2014) Interference with existing memories alters offline intrinsic functional brain connectivity. Neuron, 81: 69-76.
Censor N, Dayan E, Cohen LG (2014) Cortico-subcortical neuronal circuitry associated with reconsolidation of human procedural memories. Cortex, 58: 281-288.
Sandrini M, Censor N, Mishoe J, Cohen LG (2013) Causal role of prefrontal cortex in strengthening of episodic memories through reconsolidation. Current Biology, 23: 2181-2184.
Censor N (2013) Generalization of perceptual and motor learning: A causal link with memory encoding and consolidation? Neuroscience, 250: 201-207.
Dayan E, Censor N, Buch ER, Sandrini M, Cohen LG (2013) Non-invasive brain stimulation: From physiology to network dynamics and back. Nature Neuroscience, 16: 838-844.
Censor N, Sagi D, Cohen LG (2012) Common mechanisms of human perceptual and motor learning. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 13: 658-664.
Censor N, Cohen LG (2011) Using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to study the underlying neural mechanisms of human motor learning and memory. Journal of Physiology, 589: 21-28.
Censor N, Dimyan MA, Cohen LG (2010) Modification of existing human motor memories is enabled by primary cortical processing during memory reactivation. Current Biology, 20: 1545-1549.
Censor N, Sagi D (2009) Explaining training induced performance increments and decrements within a unified framework of perceptual learning. Learning & Perception, 1: 3-17.
Censor N, Sagi D. (2009) Global Resistance to local perceptual adaptation in texture discrimination. Vision Research, 49: 2550-2556.
Censor N, Bonneh Y, Arieli A, Sagi D (2009). Early-vision brain responses which predict human visual segmentation and learning. Journal of Vision, 9: 1–9.
Censor N, Sagi D. (2008) Benefits of efficient consolidation: short training enables long-term resistance to perceptual adaptation induced by intensive testing. Vision Research, 48: 970-977.
Censor N, Karni A, Sagi D (2006) A link between perceptual learning, adaptation and sleep. Vision Research, 46: 4071-4074