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Friedman, S., Dell’Acqua, R., Sessa, P., & Luria, R. (2025). The effect of occlusion on the visual working memory pointer-system. Cortex183, 373-390. Download PDF.

Friedman, S., Drew, T., & Luria, R. (2024). The effect of context on pointer allocation in visual working memory. Cortex177, 170–179. Download PDF.

Dell’Acqua, R., Sessa, P., Brigadoi, S., Gervain, J., Luria, R., & Doro, M. (2024). On the functional independence of numerical acuity and visual working memory. Frontiers in Psychology15, 1335857. Download PDF.

Peled, R., & Luria, R. (2024). The role of perceptual similarities in determining the asymmetric mixed-category advantage. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(2), 139–151. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., Drew, T., & Luria, R. (2023). Dissociable online integration processes in visual working memory. Cerebral Cortex, bhad378. Download PDF.

Lavelle, L., Luria, R., & Drew, T. (2023). Incidental Recognition Reveals Attentional Tradeoffs Shaped by
Categorical Similarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(6), 893–906. Download PDF.

Ben-Artzi, I., Luria, R., & Shahar, N. (2022). Working memory capacity estimates moderate value learning for outcome-irrelevant features. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 19677.‏ Download PDF.

Ankaoua, M., & Luria, R. (2022). One turn at a time: Behavioral and ERP evidence for two types of rotations in the classical mental rotation task. Psychophysiology, e14213. Download PDF.

Sternberg, N., Luria, R., & Sheppes, G. (2021). Mental Logout: Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Regulating Temptations to Use Social Media. Psychological Science. Download PDF.

Lavelle, M., Alonso, D., Luria, R., & Drew, T. (2021). Visual working memory load plays limited, to no role in encoding distractor objects during visual search. Visual Cognition, 1-22. Download PDF.

Vaskevich, A., Nishry, A., Smilansky, Y., & Luria, R. (2021). Neural evidence suggests both interference and facilitation from embedding regularity into visual search. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience33(4), 622-634. Download PDF.

Sternberg, N., Luria, R., Chandhok, S., Vickers, B., Kross, E., & Sheppes, G. (2020). When facebook and finals collide-procrastinatory social media usage predicts enhanced anxiety. Computers in Human Behavior, 106358. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., Assaf, D., Arad Meir, M., & Luria, R. (2019). Different Features of Real World Objects Are Represented in a Dependent Manner in Long-Term Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Download PDF.

Shoval, R., Luria, R., & Makovski, T. (2019). Bridging the Gap Between Visual Temporary Memory and Working Memory: The Role of Stimuli Distinctiveness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Download PDF.

Hadar, B., Luria, R., & Liberman, N. (2019). Induced Social Power Improves Visual Working Memory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167219855045. Download PDF.

Hadar, B., Luria, R., & Liberman, N. (2019). Concrete mindset impairs filtering in visual working memory. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 1-8. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., Fukuda, K., & Luria, R. (2019). What can half a million change detection trials tell us about visual working memory? Cognition. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., & Luria, R. (2019). Using the contralateral delay activity to study online processing of items still within view. In: Neuromethods. Humana Press.

Vaskevich, A., & Luria, R. (2019). Statistical learning in visual search is easier after experience with noise than overcoming previous learning. Visual Cognition, 1-14. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., Drew, T., & Luria, R. (2019). Neural evidence for an object-based pointer system underlying working memory. Cortex, 119, 362-372. Download PDF.

Allon, A. S, Luria, R. (2019). Filtering performance in visual working memory is improved by reducing early spatial attention to the distractors. Psychophysiology, e13323. PDF.

Biderman, N., Luria, R., Teodorescu, A. R., Hajaj, R., & Goshen-Gottstein, Y. (2018). Working Memory Has Better Fidelity Than Long-Term Memory: The Fidelity Constraint Is Not a General Property of Memory After All. Psychological Science. Download PDF.

Sessa, P., Schiano Lomeriello, A., & Luria, R. (2018). Neural measures of the causal role of observers’ facial mimicry on visual working memory for facial expressions. Social Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceDownload PDF.

Drew, T., Williams, L. H., Jones, C. M., & Luria, R. (2018). Neural Processing of Repeated Search Targets Depends Upon the Stimuli: Real World Stimuli Engage Semantic Processing and Recognition Memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Download PDF.

Zivony, A., Allon, A. S., Luria, R., & Lamy, D. (2018). Dissociating between the N2pc and attentional shifting: an attentional blink study. Neuropsychologia, 121, 153-163. Download PDF.

Sternberg, N., Luria, R., & Sheppes, G. (2018). For whom is social-network usage associated with anxiety? The moderating role of neural working-memory filtering of Facebook information. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience1-14. Download PDF.

Allon, A. S., Vixman, G., & Luria, R. (2018). Gestalt Grouping Cues Can Improve Filtering Performance in Visual Working Memory. Psychological Research. Downlowd PDF.

Ramaty, A., & Luria, R. (2018) Visual working memory cannot trade quantity for quality. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(719). Download PDF.

Balaban, H., Drew, T., & Luria, R. (2018) Delineating resetting and updating in visual working memory based on the object-to-representation correspondence. Neuropsychologia, 113, 85-94. Download PDF.

Vaskevich, A., & Luria, R. (2018). Adding statistical regularity results in a global slowdown in visual search. Cognition, 174, 19-27. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., Drew, T. & Luria, R. (2017). Visual working memory can selectively reset a subset of its representations. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(5), 1877-1883. Download PDF. A Pscyhonomic Society blog-post about this paper is available here.

Allon, A. S, & Luria, R. (2017). Compensation mechanisms that improve distractor filtering are short-lived. Cognition, 164, 74-86. doi: PDF.

Balaban, H., & Luria, R. (2017). Neural and Behavioral Evidence for an Online Resetting Process in Visual Working Memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 1225-1239. Download PDF.

Allon, A. S., & Luria, R. (2016). prepdat- An R Package for Preparing Experimental Data for Statistical Analysis. Journal of Open Research Software, 4(1), e34. DOI: Download PDF. Blog post on R-bloggers.

Balaban, H., & Luria, R. (2016). Object representations in visual working memory change according to the task context. Cortex, 1-13. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., & Luria, R. (2016). Integration of distinct objects in visual working memory depends on strong objecthood cues even for different-dimension conjunctions. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 2093–2104. Download PDF.

Luria, R., Balaban, H., Awh, E., & Vogel, E. K. (2016). The contralateral delay activity as a neural measure of visual working memory. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 62, 100-108. Download PDF.

Balaban, H., & Luria, R. (2015). The number of objects determines visual working memory capacity allocation for complex items. NeuroImage, 119, 54-62. Download PDF.

Luria, R., & Vogel, E. K. (2014). Come Together, Right Now: Dynamic Overwriting of an Object’s History through Common Fate. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 1819-1828. Download PDF.

Allon, A. S., Balaban, H., & Luria, R. (2014). How low can you go? Changing the resolution of novel complex objects in visual working memory according to task demands. Frontiers in psychology5. Download PDF.

Meconi, F., Luria, R., & Sessa, P. (2014). Individual differences in anxiety predict neural measures of visual working memory for untrustworthy faces. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Download PDF.

Sheppes, G., Luria, R., Fukuda, K., & Gross, J.J. (2013). There’s more to anxiety than meets the eye: Isolating threat-related attentional engagement and disengagement biases. Emotion, 13, 520-528. Download PDF.

Hareuveny, R., Eliyahu, I., Luria, R., Margaliot, M., & Meiran, N. (2011). Cognitive effects of cellular phones: A possible role of non-radiofrequency radiation factors. Bioelectromagnetics, 32, 585-588. Download PDF.

Sessa, P., Tomelleri, S., Luria, R., Castelli, L., Reynolds, M., & Dell’Acqua, R. (2011). Look out for strangers! Sustained neural activity during visual working memory maintenance of other-race faces is modulated by implicit racial prejudice. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Download PDF.

Luria R., & Vogel, E. K. (2011). Shape and color conjunction stimuli are represented as bound objects in visual working memory. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1632-1639. Download PDF.

Luria R., & Vogel, E. K. (2011). Visual search demands dictate reliance upon working memory storage. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 6199-6207. Download PDF.

Sessa, P., Luria, R., Gotler, A., Jolicoeur, P., & Dell’Acqua, R. (2011). Interhemispheric ERP asymmetries over inferior parietal cortex reveal differential visual working memory maintenance for fearful versus neutral facial identities. Psychophysiology, 48, 187-197. Download PDF.

Tzur, G., Berger, A., Luria, R., Posner, M. I. (2010). Theta synchrony supports Weber-Fechner and Stevens’ Laws for error processing, uniting high and low mental processes. Psychophysiology, 47, 756-766. Download PDF.

Luria, R., Sessa, P., Gotler, A., Jolicœur, P., & Dell’Acqua, R. (2010). Visual short-term memory capacity for simple and complex objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 496-512. Download PDF.

Dell’Acqua, R., Sessa, P., Toffanin, P., Luria, R., & Jolicœur, P. (2010). Orienting attention to objects in visual short-term memory. Neuropsychologia, 48, 419-428. Download PDF.

Luria, R., Eliyahu, I., Hareuveny, R., Margaliot, M., & Meiran, N. (2009). Cognitive effects of radiation emitted by cellular phones: The influence of exposure side and time. Bioelectromagnetics, 30, 198-204. Download PDF.

Dell’Acqua, R., Jolicœur, P., Luria, R., & Pluchino, P. (2009). Reevaluating encoding-capacity limitations as a cause of the attentional blink. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 338-351. Download PDF.

Sessa, P., Luria, R., Verleger, R., & Dell’Acqua, R. (2007). P3 latency shifts in the attentional blink: Further evidence for second target processing postponement. Brain Research, 1137, 131-139.  Download PDF.

Luria, R., Meiran, N. & Dekel-Cohen, C. (2006). Stimulus-cued completion of reconfiguration and retroactive adjustment as causes for the residual switching cost in multistep tasks. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18, 652-668. Download PDF.

Luria, R. & Meiran, N. (2006). Dual route for subtask order control: Evidence from the psychological refractory paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 720-744. Download PDF.

Eliyahu, I., Luria, R.,  Hareuveny, R., Margaliot, M., & Meiran, N. (2006). Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted By Cellular Telephones on the Cognitive Functions of Humans. Bioelectromagnetics, 27, 119-126. Download PDF.

Luria, R. & Meiran, N. (2005). Increased Control Demand Results in Serial Processing: Evidence from Dual-Task Performance. Psychological Science, 16, 833-840. Download PDF.

Luria, R. & Meiran, N. (2003). Online order control in the psychological refractory period paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 3, 556-574. Download PDF.