Udi Sommer

Udi Sommer
Full Professor of Political Science


Google scholar


Tel Aviv University, Naftali 522
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL


MA Students

Simone Lehman, MA student (2016-18)

Thesis title: A New Kind of Terror? Exploring and Understanding Current Trends in Terrorism in Israel in the Context of the Lone Wolf Debate.

Simon Luling, MA student (2016-17)

Thesis title: A New Kind of Terror? Exploring and Understanding Current Trends in Terrorism in Israel in the Context of the Lone Wolf Debate.

Dor Gosher, MA student (2016-17)

Thesis title: I Will Take This to the Supreme Court! Or Will I? How Does Public Opinion Affect Agenda-Setting on the U.S Supreme Court?.

Leah Croughan, MA student (2014-16)

Thesis title: Sitting Ducks in a Fragmented Process: US Intelligence Infrastructure in a Paradigm Shift Towards a Unified Legal Definition of Domestic Terrorism.

Brooklin Nash, MA student (2013-14)

Thesis title: Development, Democracy, and What Comes In-Between: The Current and Potential Role of Development-Oriented NGOs in Guatemala.

David Jensen-Lopez, MA student (2013-14)

Thesis title: Selling Mexico: An analysis of how the public perception of Mexico abroad affects economy and politics, with a particular focus on the case of the public diplomacy in Israel.

Roey Shafrir, MA student

My research focuses on the effects of public opinion and political atmosphere on decisionmaking on the Israeli High Court of Justice regarding the Israeli – Palestinian conflict.

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