Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Miriam Ben-Rafael (2016) “Schöneberg: Memorializing the persecution of Jews”, Linguistic Landscapes, Vol. 2/3
Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Miriam Ben-Rafael (2015) “Linguistic Landscapes in an Era of Multiple Globalizations” Linguistic Landscapes, Vol. 1;2: 19-37
Ben-Rafael, E., Sternberg, Y. (2015) “Ethnicity, Sociology of”. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 8. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 157–161.
Ben-Rafael, E. et Ben-Rafael, M. (2014-2015) “Israël : Le franbreu, ça se parle et ça s’écrit” L’Année Francophone Internationale 2014-2015, 282-284
Ben-Rafael, E. (2014) “Diaspora-Homeland relations: Transmission belts”, in Yunim be-tkumat Yisrael Volume Homeland and Gola,: 123-136
Ben-Rafael E. et M. Ben-Rafael (2014) “La francophonie dans une société non-francophone d’immigrants: Israël” Education et Sociétés plurilingues, Juin 2014; vol 36: 65-76
Ben-Rafael, E. (2013) “Las diasporas transnationales: ?una nueva era o un nuevo mito?” RMCS Nueva Epoca (Mexico) LVIII/219: 189-224
E. Ben-Rafael et M. Ben-Rafael (2013) ‘Une niche arabo-française à Jaffa’ L’Année Francophone Internationale 2012-2013, 288-290
E. Ben-Rafael (2012) “Biographical Memoir of Shmuel N. Eisenstadt” in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 156/2: 223-227
Eliezer Ben-Rafael & Miriam Ben-Rafael (2012) “Francophonie in the plural: The case of Israel” Israel Studies in Language and Society, 4(1): 39-72
Eliezer Ben-Rafael et Miriam Ben-Rafael (2011) “Tunisiens: Un exemple de population francophone en Israël” L’Année Francophone Internationale 20112012 ; 305-307
Eliezer Ben-Rafael et Miriam Ben-Rafael (2011) “Une Francophonie plurielle: Le cas d’Israël” Alternative Francophone vol.1,
4(2011): 74-98
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2011) “Kibbutz: Survival at Risk” Israel Studies vol. 16/2: 81-108
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2010)“Transnational diasporas: A new era or a new myth? ” Protosociology Vol. 27/2010: 71-103
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2010) ‘L’AIU a 150 ans’ in L’Année Francophone Internationale 2011 ; 244-245
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2010) “Diaspora” –Entry in Sociopedia ISA Sage: Diaspora.pdf
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2009) “Une nouvelle population franco-israélienne saisie par Internet”, L’Année Francophone Internationale 2009-2010 : 230231
Eliezer Ben-Rafael et al.(2009) ‘Introduction’ in The Jewish Peope Today: Ingathering and Dispersion, Jerusalem: 9-21
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2009) ‘Jewishness in an era of globalization’, in The Jewish Peope Today: Ingathering and Dispersion, Jerusalem 419-436
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2009) ‘Qui sont les Israéliens ?’ Les Cahiers de l’Orient, 95 : 35-46
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2009) “Israël : ethnicités juives et unité nationale“, in Temps Modernes, vol. 652-653: 222-245
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2009) “Nationalism and religion: The Jewish Israeli case”, in Narodna tvorchist’ ta etnohrafia, special issue: Ethnology in Israel , vol. 2008: 4; 14-22 (Ukrainian)
Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2008) “The Faces of Religiosity in Israel: Cleavages or Continuum?” Israel Studies, Vol. 3/Fall: 89-113
E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “Israel: From Pluralism to Multiculturalism”, in Sugiot hevratiot be-israel vol.6: 94-120 (Heb)
E. Ben-Rafael and Miriam Ben-Rafael (2008) “Linguistic landscape and transnationalism: Sarcelles-Natanya” Israel Studies in Language and Society Electronic Interdisciplinary Journal 1 (1) –
E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “Kibbutz” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. Edited by Peter N. Stearns. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, Vol. 4, page 361-362
E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “Der Kibbutz im Wandel”, in Bundeszentrale fur politische bildung, May (online)
E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “Las ethnicidas judias in Israel”, Araucatia, Revista Iberoamericana de Filosophia, Politica y Humanidades, 10/19: 99-111
E. Ben-Rafael (2007) “Paysage linguistique francophone en Israël ” L’Année Francophone Internationale: 265-7
E. Ben-Rafael and L. Ben-Chaim Rafael (2006) “Contemporary Jewish Identities : Still one People? Yunim Be-Tekumat Yisrael, Vol. 16: 463-498 (Heb)
E. Ben-Rafael (2006) ” Isra ël ” L’Année Francophone Internationale 2006 : 262-3
M. Topel and E. Ben-Rafael (2006) “Technocratic leadership in the Kibbutz”, Horizons in Geography, 66: 28-43 (Heb), also in: A. Paz-Yeshayahu and Y. Gorny (eds.) (2006) A Historical Achievement and its Evolution – The Kibbutz and Moshav Settlement Movements 1910-1990, Sdede Boqer : Ben-Gurion Research Institute, Ben-Gurion University Press: 651-670 (Heb)
E. Ben-Rafael, E. Shoami, M. Amara and N. Hecht (2006) “The symbolic construction of the public space: the case of Israel” International Journal of Multilingualism, 3/1: 7-28
Also in Durk Gorter (ed.) Linguistic Landscape: A New Approach to Multilingualism, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2006: 7-30
E. Ben-Rafael (2005) “Intégration” sous la direction de M. Borlandi, R. Boudon, M. Cherkaoui et B. Valade, Dictionnaire de la Pensée Sociologique , Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 363-7
E. Ben-Rafael (2005) ” Isra ël ” L’Année Francophone Internationale 200 5 : 30 6 -307
E. Ben-Rafael (2004) “Where stands Israel ?” Ethnic and Racial Studies , 27/2: 310-316
E. Ben-Rafael (2003) ” Isra ël: Les ressources linguistiques ” L’Année Francophone Internationale 2004 : 305-307
E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2003) “Divergent Commitments and Identity Crisis”, in Comparative Sociology , vol. 2/3, a special issue, Sociology and Ideology , 541-556
E. Ben-Rafael (2003) ” Isra ël ” L’Année Francophone Internationale 2003 : 306-310
Ben-Rafael Eliezer and Jing, Tiankui (2002) “Terrorism Problems under the Globalization Background”, Sociological Research , vol.17/4, July ( Chinese Academy of Social Sciences -Chinese): 117-121
Sabina Lisitsa, Yochanan Peres and Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2002) “Attitudes of oldtimers toward immigrants from the FIS: A multicultural perspective “, Jews from the former Soviet Union in Israel and the Diaspora , 20-21: 187-204 (Heb)
E. Ben-Rafael (2002) “Modèles de Francophonie en Israel” Annee Francophone Internationale , « Francophonie Plurielle », Online
E. Ben-Rafael (2002) “Ethnicity, Sociology of”, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences , London : Elsevier, Vol. 7: 4838-42
E. Ben-Rafael (2001) “Basic Dilemmas of Utopias in a Comparative Perspective”, in Journal of Rural Cooperation , vol. 29/2: 193-204
E. Ben-Rafael (2001) « Israël » L’Année Francophone Internationale 2001 , 217-219
E. Ben-Rafael (1999) “Le multiculturalisme: une perspective analytique” Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie CV, Volume: La diff érence culturelle en question : 281-300
E. Ben-Rafael (1999) “Crisis and Transformation: The Kibbutz at the Turn of the Century” Communal Societies , 17/1997: 75-102
E. Ben-Rafael (1999) ” 50e Anniversaire de l’Etat d’Isra ël ” L’Année Francophone Internationale 1999 , 307-311
E. Ben-Rafael, (1998) “Arab Citizenship in Israel ”, Ethnic and Racial Studies , 21/3: 579-584,
E. Ben-Rafael, (1997) “Critical’ versus non-critical Sociology: An Evaluation” in Israel Studies vol 2/1,: 174-193
E. Ben-Rafael, (1997) “L’expérience israélienne en matière de service public”, Ecole Nationale d’Administration – Colloque : Services publics comparés en Europe: Exception française, Exigence Européenne , Paris: 101-106
E. Ben-Rafael “A Sociological Paradigm of Bilingualism: English, French, Yiddish and Arabic in Israel ” Israel Social Science Research , vol.9/1&2, 1994: 181-206, also published in H. Herzog, E. Ben-Rafael (eds.) Language and Communication in Israel , New Brunswick and London: Transaction (2001): 175-206
E. Ben-Rafael, E. Olshtain “Introduction”, in E. Ben-Rafael, E. Olshtain (eds ) Language and Society , A special double issue of Israel Social Science Research , vol.9/1&2, 1994: iii-x
E. Ben-Rafael “Integrating cooperation and conflict: A comment on Raymond Boudon’s paper”, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science , vol. 7/1, 1993: 29-31, also published in Italian in Rivista di Studi Epistemologici e Sociali sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia/Journal of Epistemological and Social Studies on Science and Technology 3/1993
E. Ben-Rafael with S. Ben-Rafael, “The Perception of Europe in Israel” in Niznik, J. and Fells, J. (eds) Europe: Beyond Geography , International Journal of Sociology vol. 22 nos 1 & 2 [1992]
E. Ben-Rafael, H. Brosh, “A Sociological Study of Second Language Diffusion: The obstacles to Arabic Teaching in the Israeli School ” [lead article] Language Problems and Language Planning , vol.15/1, Spring 1991, 1-24 see a Hebrew version: H.Brosh, E. Ben-Rafael “Linguistic policy versus social reality: Arabic in the Hebrew-speaking Israeli school” Studies in Education vol.59-60: 335-352 (1994)
E. Ben-Rafael, R. Herzlich, M. Freund, “Symbole d’identite ou capital symbolique: le parcours social du Francais en Isra e l” Revue Francaise de Sociologie , 1990/ 31-2: 315-329
E. Ben-Rafael, “The Changing Experience, Power and Prestige of Ethnic Groups in Israel : The Case of the Moroccans”, Studies in Contemporary Jewry , Oxford : Ch. , Israel : State and Society 1948-1988. Oxford University Press, vol.5/1989: 39-58.
H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot “The Impact of Stratification: Assimilation or Ethnic Solidarity.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility , 7/1988,, 305-326, May 1989).
H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot “Ethnicity, Class and Friendship: The Case of Israel ”, International Sociology, 1989 4/3, 293-310.
E. Ben-Rafael with H. Shtayer ¢ E. Lewin , “ Israel as a Multi-cleavage setting” Plural Societies , 19/1:1989: 21-40.
H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot , “Class and Class Consciousness in Israel ”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology , 28/3-4: (9-12/1987) 158-172 1988
H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot , “Ethnicity and Politics: Some Neglected Aspects”, Megamot , 30/3, 1987: 332-348 (Hebrew).
See an English version in Israel Social Science Research , 4/2, 1986: 58-72.
E. Ben-Rafael, S. Weitman, “La Reconstitution de la Famille au Kibbutz”, Pardes , 4/1986: 15-34
E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot, “Ethnic Neighborhood and Congregations” Ethnic Groups , 7/1, 1987: 65-83.
H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharet , “Costs and Benefits of Ethnic Identification”, British Journal of Sociology, 37/4, 12/1986: 550-568.
Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot , “Secularization and the Diminishing Decline of Religiosity”, The Review of Religious Research, 27/3, 1986: 192-207.
Ben-Rafael, “Ethnicity and Society in Israel ”, Skira Hodshit, 36; ½, 1986: 56-69 (Hebrew).
See a new version in S. Stempler (ed.) People and State: Israeli Society, Tel-Aviv: Ministry of Defense, 1989 (Heb): 73-94.
Ben-Rafael, “Le Conflit de Guerrilla: Une Approche Sociologique” Sociologie du Travail , 28/4, 1986: 426-442.
Ben-Rafael, “Ethnicity: Theory and Myth”, Megamot , 24/2, 1985: 90-101 (Hebrew)
Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot, “Variations in Ethnic Identification among Israeli Jews”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 813, July 1985: 389-407.
Ben-Rafael, S. Weitman, “Women and the Reemergence of the Family in the Kibbutz”, Megamot , 24/3, 1985 (Hebrew).
Ben-Rafael, S. Weitman , “The Reconstitution of the Family in the Kibbutz”, European Journal of Sociology, lead article, 25/1, 1984, 1-27.
Ben-Rafael, “Dynamics of Social Stratification in Kibbutzim”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology , Vol. XXI, Nos. 1-2, March/June 1980.
Ben-Rafael, “Realite Ethnique et Conflit Social: le Cas Israelien” Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, June 1980, Presses Universitaires de France, Vol. 68, pp. 127-148
Ben-Rafael, “La Tradition Juive de l’Etude: Israel et Diaspora”, Connaissance d’Israel , 3/1978, pp. 5-28
Ben-Rafael, “L’Etudiant Israelien”, Connaissance d’Israel , No. 1, 6/1977.
Ben-Rafael, A. Tagliacozzo, V. Kraus, “Indagine Sociologica Sui Giovani Che Lasciane Il Kibbutz”, Revista di Sociologica , No. 30, 9-12/1976, pp. 5-28
Ben-Rafael, A. Tagliacozzo, V. Kraus, “L’Abandon du Kibboutz par les Jeunes”, Sociologia Ruralis , Vol. 25/3, 1975, pp. 131-141.
Ben-Rafael, “Problemes Sociaux d’une Societe Collective: le Kibboutz”, Archives Internationales de Sociologie de la Cooperation, No. 34, 1974, pp. 174-180.
Ben-Rafael, “The Guerilla’s Self-Image”, Social Research Review , No. 7/8; 9/1974, pp. 25-38 (Hebrew).
Ben-Rafael, “The Utopia and its Conflicts”, in Megamot , Vol. 20/3; 7/1974 (Hebrew).
Ben-Rafael, A. Livneh, A. Wolfensohn, “Democracy in the Kibbutz”, Social Research Review, No. 3, 5/1973, pp. 41-52 (Hebrew).