Chapters in Books

Eliezer Ben-Rafael E., Schoeps J., Sternberg Y., Glöckner O. (2016) “Introduction” in Handbook of Israel: Major Debates (Two volumes), Berlin: De Gruyter: vol.1: 1-18

Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2016) “Russian-speaking Jews in Germany”, in Zvi Gitelman (ed.) The New Jewish Diaspora. Russian-speaking immigrants in the United States, Israel and Germany. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press:173-185

Ben-Rafael, E. and Sternberg, Y. (2016) “With and beyond S. N. Eisenstadt: Transglobality”, in Preyer, G. and Sussman M. Varieties of Multiple Modernities Leiden, Boston: Brill: 33-47

Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Miriam Ben-Rafael (2016) “Berlin’s Linguistic Landscapes: Two Faces of Globalization”, Robert Blackwood, Elizabeth Lanza, Hirut Woldemariam (eds.) Negotiating and contestingidentitiesin linguistic-landscapes London Oxford: 2016: 197-212

Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2015) ‘Les Juifs algériens en Israël’, in Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun, Geneviève Dermenjian, dir.(2015) Les Juifs d’Algérie: Une histoire de ruptures. Marseilles-Aix en Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence

Eliezer Ben-Rafael (2015) “Les Juifs de Belgique face à l’antisémitisme”, in Thomas Gergely (éd.) Antisémitismes en Belgique et en Europe, Bruxelles: Didier Devillez Éditeur, Institut d’Études du Judaïsme, 13-28

Ben-Rafael, E. (2015) “Judéités proches et lointaines: Un people?’’ in Ch. Bordes-Benayoun (ed.) Socio-anthropologie des Judaïsmes, Paris: Editions Honoré Champion: 33-48

Ben-Rafael, E. (2014) “Dal pluralism al multiculturalismo: Una traiettorria problematica” in Claudia Damari e Dan Soen (eds.) Costruire la societa: Israele tra passato e futuro, Pisa: Pisa University Press: 95-118

Ben-Rafael, E. (2014) “Israel-Diaspora Relations: “Trasmission Driving-belts” of transnationalism” in Ben-Rafael, E., Bokser Liwerant, J. and Gorny, Y. (eds.) Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora relations, Boston and Leiden: Bril, 447-460

Ben-Rafael, E., Bokser Liwerant, J. and Gorny, Y. (2014) “Introduction” in Ben-Rafael, E., Bokser Liwerant, J. and Gorny, Y. (eds.) (2014) Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora relations, Boston and Leiden: Bril, 1-22,

Ben-Rafael, E., Bokser Liwerant, J. and Gorny, Y. (2014) “Epilogue: One – After All….for the time being” in Ben-Rafael, E., Bokser Liwerant, J. and Gorny, Y. (eds.) (2014) Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora relations, Boston and Leiden: Bril; 461-464

E. Ben-Rafael (2014) “Enfants cachés: Une marginalité assumée”, inN. Zajde (Dir) Qui sont les enfants cachés? Penser ave les grands témoins, Paris: Odile Jacob: 89-102

E. Ben-Rafael (2013) “Organisation und soziale Wertvorstellungen im Umbruch: Der Fqll des Kibbuz” in Karin Wilhelm, Kerstin Gust (Hg) Neue Städte für Einen Neuen Staat , Bielefeld : Urban Studies , 2013 : 306-320

E. Ben-Rafael (2013) “Muslim-Jewish Relations in Israel” in A.W. Meddeb and B. Stora (eds.) A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press: 445-451 A.W. Meddeb and B. Stora (eds.) A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day

Translated: E. Ben-Rafael (2013) “Relations entre Juifs et Musulmans en Israël”, in A.W. Meddeb and B. Stora (eds.) Histoire des Relations entre Juifs et Musulmanes des Origines à nos Jours, Paris: Albin Michel

E. Ben-Rafael (2013) “Jewish ethnicities in Israel”, in Dieckoff A. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Modern Israel, London and NY: Routledge: 96-105 (early version in Dieckoff  (éd.)(2008) L’Etat d’Israël, Paris:Fayard,161-74

E. Ben-Rafael (2013) “Kibbutz: Survival at Risk”, in E. Ben-Rafael, Oved Y and Topel M. (eds.) The Communal Idea in the 21st Century, Leyden, Boston: Bril, 281-300

E. Ben-Rafael, Oved Y and Topel M. (2013) “Introduction: A Difficult Question” in E. Ben-Rafael, Oved Y and Topel M. (eds.) ibidem, 1-20

M. Ben-Rafael and E. Ben-Rafael (2012) “Plurilingualism in Francophone Comics”, in Bramlett F. (ed.) Linguistics and the Study of Comics, London and NY: Palgrave Macmillan142-162

E. Ben-Rafael (2012) “Transnational diaspora: A new era or a new myth?” in Peter G. and Krausse R.-M. (hrsg.) Selbstbeobachtung de modernen Gesellschapt und die neuen Grenzen des Sozialen, Frankfurt Am Main: Springer: 157-184

E. Eliezer Ben-Rafael and M. Ben-Rafael (2012) “Le paysage linguistique belge: Un chaos intelligible” in Helot Ch., Barni M., Janssens R. and Bagna Carla (eds.) Linguistic landscapes, multilingualism and social change, Frankfurt-Am-Main: Peter Lang, 69-86

E. Ben-Rafael (2012) “Still One Family? Modern Jewishness in a Global and Comparative Perspective” in I.A. Diekmann u.a. (Hrsg.) “… und handle mit Vernunft” Beiträge zur europäish-jüdischen Beziehungsgeschichte, Hidesheim, Zurich, NY: Gerg Olms Verlag: 450-467

E. Ben-Rafael (2011) “The Shoa in the collective identity and the political culture in Israel”, in Freilich, M. (ed.) And the Bush Was not Consumed – Holocaust Survivors in the State of Israel, Herzlyah: The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 45-61 (Hebrew)

E. Ben-Rafael and M. Topel (2011) “Redefining the kibbutz” Palgi, M. and Reinharz, Sh. (eds) One Hundred Years of Kibbutz Life: A Century of Crises and Reinvention, New Brunswick: Transaction, 249-258

E. Ben-Rafael (2011) “Preface” to Jonas Zianga From the Promised Land: Modern Discourse on African Jewry, Beer Sheva: University of Ben-Gurion Press: 11-16

E. Ben-Rafael (2011) ‘Los Judios europeos en la encrucijada’ en H. Avni, J. Bokser Liwerant, S. Dellapergola, M. Bejarano and L. Senkman (coordinadores) Pertenencia y alteridad: Judios en/de America Latina: cuarenta anos de cambios, Madrid:
Iberoamrican – Vervuert- Bonilla Artigas Editores: 185-200 (Spanish)

J. Liwerant Bokser and E. Ben-Rafael (2011) ‘Klal Yisrael Today: Unity and Diversity. Reflections on Europe and Latin
America in a Globalized World’ in Schoeps, J.H. and Glöckner O. (eds) A Road to Nowhere? Jewish Experiences in Unifying Europe, Boston and Leyden: Brill, 299-334

E. Ben-Rafael (2010) “Introduction: A Dialectic Relation” in Ben-rafael, E. and Sternberg, Y. (eds.) World Religions and Multiculturalism A Dialectic Relation, Leyden and Boston: Brill: 1-20

E. Ben-Rafael (2010) “One People? Contemporary Jewish Identities” in ibid. 279-314

E. Ben-Rafael and M. Ben-Rafael (2010) “Diaspora and Returning diaspora: French-Hebrew and Vice-versa”, in Shohamy,E.  Ben-Rafael, E. and Barni, M. (eds.) (2010)Linguistic Landscape in the City, Clevedon UK: Multilingual Matters: 326-343

E. Ben-Rafael, E. Shohamy and M. Barni (2010) “Introduction” in Shohamy,E.  Ben-Rafael, E. and Barni, M. (eds.) (2010)Linguistic
Landscape in the City
, Clevedon UK: Multilingual Matters: xi-xxvii

E. Ben-Rafael (2010) “Collective identities and transnationalism”, in Gad Yair and Orit Gazit (eds.) Collective Identities, States and Globalization, Jerusalem: Magnes, 117-141

E. Ben-Rafael (2010) “Juifs et Judaïsme entre ‘théologie de la substitution’ et ‘théologie de la falsification’ : Aspects sociologiques contemporains de problématiques lointaines“, Thomas Gergely, éd., Judaïsme, Christiansime, Islam : Le judaïsme entre ‘théologie de la substitution’ et ‘théologie de la falsification’,  Bruxelles. Didier Devillez Editeur – Institut d’Etudes du Judaïsme, 13-28

E. Ben-Rafael and Menahem Topel (2010) “Kibbutz: different and changing – Renewal since the 1980s” A. Halamish and T. Tsameret (eds.) The Kibbutz: The First One Hundred Years, Jerusalem: Yad Ytshak Ben-Zvi, 329-344 (Hebrew)

E. Ben-Rafael (2009) ’Democracy, Globalization and Multiculturalism’ in Mohamed Cherkaoui & Peter Hamilton, eds., Raymond Boudon: A Life in Sociology. A Festscrhift in Honor to Raymond Boudon, Vol.3: 205-218, Oxford: The Bardwell Press

E. Ben-Rafael (2009) “Contemporary Jewish identities: Conceptualization and significance”, in N. Tsabar-Ben Yehoshua et. (eds.) Jewish Peoplehood, Tel-Aviv: Beit Hatefutsot: 88-111 (Heb)

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2009) “Introduction: Defining Transnationalism”, in E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (eds.) Transnationalism: Diasporas and the Advent of a new (dis)order, Leyden and Boston: Brill: 1-28

Miriam Ben-Rafael and E. Ben-Ben-Rafael (2009) “The Linguistic Landscape of Transnationalism: The Divided Heart of Europe” in ibidem: 399-416

E. Ben-Rafael (2009) “Multiple Transnationalism: Muslims, Africans, Chinese and Hispanics”, ibidem: 639-686

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2009) “Epilogue: Chaos and Gestalt”, in ibidem: 687-692

E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “A sociological approach to the study of linguistic landscapes”, in Elana Shohamy and Durk Gorter (eds.) Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the Scenery, NY and London: Routledge, 40-54

E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “Still One? Cleavages in Israeli Society” in Michael Chlenov and Artem Fedorchuk (eds.) Jewish Ethnicity and Nationalism: Past and Presnt, Moscow: Memories: 147-200 (Russian)

E. Ben-Rafael (2008) “Contemporary threats to Klal Yisrael” in J. Bokser Liwerant, E. Ben-Rafael, Y. Gorny and R. Rein (eds.) Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism: Latin America in the Jewish World, Leyden-Boston: 35-46

J. Bokser Liwerant, E. Ben-Rafael, Y. Gorny and R. Rein (2008) “Introduction” in ibidem: 1-24

E. Ben-Rafael (2008) « Les ethnicités juives » in Alain Dieckoff (éd.) L’Etat d’Israël (Grand Prix du Livre 2008, Political Sciences), Paris:Fayard,161-74

E. Ben-Rafael (2007) “Identity and Language in Transnational Diasporas: New Horizons for Hebrew”, in N. Nevo and E. Olshtain (eds.) The Hebrew Language in the Era of Globalization, Jerusalem: Magnes, t’v-k’h (Hebrew)

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2007) “A landscape of elites” In E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (eds.) (2007) New Elites in Israel, Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 3-15

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2007) “A complex landscape” In E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (eds.) ibidem 431-434

E. Ben-Rafael (2006) “Globalization from a sociological point of view”, in J. Tiankui, Masamichi Sasaki and L. Peilin (eds.) Social Change in the Age of Globalization, Leyden and Boston: Brill: 47-60

E. Ben-Rafael and N. Leon (2006) “Ethnicity, Religiosity and Politics: The Question of the Sources of ultra-Orthodoxy among Mizrahim”, in U. Cohen, E. Ben-Rafael, A. Bareli , E. Yaar (eds.) (2006) Israel and Modernity – For Moshe Lissak, Sde Boker: Merkaz le-moreshet ben-gurion, TAU, HUJ (Heb.): 285-312

E. Ben-Rafael, E. Shoami, M. Amara and N. Hecht (2006) “The symbolic construction of the public space: the case of Israel” in Durk Gorter (ed.) Linguistic Landscape: A New Approach to Multilingualism, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2006: 7-30 Also in International Journal of Multilingualism, 3/1: 7-28

E. Ben-Rafael (2006) “Contemporary Dilemmas of Identity: Israel and the Diaspora” in E. Ben-Rafael, Thomas Gergely and Y. Gorny (eds.) (2006) Jewry between Tradition and Secularism: Europe and Israel Compared, Boston and Leyden: Brill: 279-288

E. Ben-Rafael, Thomas Gergely and Y. Gorny (2006) “European Jewry and Klal Yisrael”, in ibidem: 1-12

E. Ben-Rafael (2005) “From Religion to Nationalism: The transformation of the Jewish identity”, in E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (eds.) Comparing Modernities: Pluralism versus Homogeneity, Leydon and Boston: Brill: 365-394

E. Ben-Rafael (2005) “Preface”, Menahem Topel, The New Managers, Sde Boker: The Ben-Gurion Institute and the Ben-Gurion University Press: 1-6

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2005) “Introduction: Civilization, pluralism and uniformity” in E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (eds.) Comparing Modernities: Pluralism versus Homogeneity, Leydon and Boston: Brill: 1-30

E. Ben-Rafael and M. Topel (2004) “The Kibbutz’ Transformation: Who leads it and where?” in U.Rebhun and Ch.I. Waxman (eds.) Jews in Israel: Contemporary Social and Cultural Patterns , Hanover and London: University Press of New England

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2003) “Divergent Commitments and Identity Crisis”, in Sociology and Ideology , edited by E. Ben-Rafael, Leyden-Boston: International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology, Brill: 119-134

E. Ben-Rafaël (2003) “The De-Civilizing Process”, in Skapska, G. and Orla-Bukowska, A. (eds.) The Moral Fabric in Contemporary Societies , Leyden-Boston: Brill, 283-290

E. Ben-Rafaël (2003) “Modèles de francophonie en Israël: Identité, Symbole de statut et capital linguistique” Bisanswa, J. K. et Tétu, M. (éditeurs) Francophonie au Pluriel , Québec: Voix de la Francophonie – Université Laval: 249-253

Ben-Rafael, Eliezer (2003) “Les langues en Israël” in Bistolfi, Robert (ed.) Les Langues de la Méditerranée coll. Les Cahiers de Confluences , Paris: L’Harmattan: 115-130

E. Ben-Rafael (2003) “A linguistic drama: The case of Yiddish”, in Mohammad Amara (ed.) Language and Identity in Israel , Ramallah: Al-Ayam Institute, The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies – Madar (Arabic)

E. Ben-Rafael (2003) “Israeli-Jewish Identities”, in E. Ben-Rafael, Yosef Gorny and Yacov Ro’I (eds.) Contemporary Jewries: Convergence and Divergence , Leyden and Boston: Brill Academic Press (in print): 93-117

E. Ben-Rafael (2003) “The Space and Dilemmas of Contemporary Jewish Identities”, in E. Ben-Rafael, Yosef Gorny and Yacov Ro’I (eds.) Contemporary Jewries: Convergence and Divergence , Leyden and Boston : Brill Academic Press (in print): 343-359

E. Ben-Rafael (2002) “Multiculturalism and multilingualism in Israel “, in Shlomo Izreel (ed.) Speaking Hebrew: Studies in the Spoken Language and in Linguistic Variation in Israel , Te’uda XVIII, Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 67-84 (Hebrew); also in Benjamin H. Hary (ed.) (2003) Corpus Linguistics and Modern Hebrew , Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University/ The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies: 39-60

E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg (2002), “Analyzing our time: A sociological problématique”, in E. Ben-Rafael with Y. Sternberg (eds.) Identity, Culture and Globalization , Leyden and Boston : Brill, 3-20

E. Ben-Rafael (2002) “The transformation of Diasporas: The linguistic dimension”, in E. Ben-Rafael with Y. Sternberg (eds.) Identity, Culture and Globalization , Leyden and Boston : Brill, 337-352

E. Ben-Rafael “Collective Identities in Contemporary Israeli Society”, transl. By Nina Kheimets and Anna Reznitsky, in A.D. Epstein and A.V. Fedorchenko (eds.) Contemporary Israel : Politics and Society , Moscow : Bibliotheca Judaica, 15-47 (Russian)

E. Ben-Rafael (2002) « Le français au-delà de la francophonie », in David Mendelson (éditeur) La culture francophone en Israël, vol. 1, Paris : L’Harmattan : 43-66

E. Ben-Rafael (2001) “Collective identity in Israel”, in H. Herzog (ed.) Reflection of a Society, In Memory of Yonathan Shapiro , Tel-Aviv: Ramot: 489-514 (Heb)

H. Herzog, E. Ben-Rafael (2001) ”The study of language and communication in Israeli social sciences”, in H. Herzog, E. Ben-Rafael (eds.) Language and Communication in Israel , New Brunswick and London: Transaction, 3-30

E.Ben-Rafael (1999) “The kibbutz beyond utopia” in Folling, Werner, and Folling-Albers Maria (eds.) The Transformation of Collective Education in the Kibbutz , Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 31-50

E.Ben-Rafael (1999) “Soci été moderne et division culturelle ” , in Amossy et Michel Delon (eds.) Critique et Légitimité du Préjudice – XVIIIe-XXe , Bruxelles : Editions de l’Univeristé de Bruxelles, 129-138

E.Ben-Rafael (1998) “Quasi-Sectarian Religiosity, Cultural Ethnicity and National Identity: Convergence and Divergence among Hahamey Yisrael” In Krausz, E. and Tulea, G. (eds .) Jewish Survival: The Identity Problem at the Close of the Twentieth Century , New Brunswick and London : Transaction, 33-64

E.Ben-Rafael (1998) “The Israeli experience in multiculturalism” in Baubock, R. and Rundell, J. (eds.) Blurred Boundaries: Migration, Ethnicity, Citizenship , Aldershopt (UK), Brookfield (US), Vienna : Ashgate and the European Centre Vienna): 111-142

E.Ben-Rafael (1998) “Multiculturalism and social transformation: The Israel i case”, in Keyder, C. (ed.) Tradition in Modernity: Southern Europe in Question , International Association of Sociology: UQAM, Montreal (Pre-Congress Volume: 14 th World Congress of Sociology)

E.Ben-Rafael (1998) “The Crisis of the 80s and 90s”, in Avrahami, E. (ed) The Kibbutz Lexicon , Ramat-Gan: Yad Tabenkin, 196-200 (Heb)

E. Ben-Rafael, E. Olshtain, I. Geijst (1996) “ Identity and Language: The Social Insertion of Soviet Jews in Israel ”, in Noah Lewin-Epstein, Yacov Ro’i and Paul Ritterband (eds) Russian Jews on Three Continents – Emigration and Resettlement, London: Frank Cass: 364-388, also in Elazar Leshem and Judith T. Shuval (eds) (1998) Immigration to Israel: Sociological Perspectives , Studies of Israeli Society, Vol. VIII, New Brunswick (USA) Transaction: 333-356

also, in Hebrew, in E. Leshem and M. Lissak (eds.) (2001) From Russia to Israel: Identity and Culture in Transition , Tel-Aviv: Kibbutz Hameuchad: 77-123

E. Ben-Rafael (1996) “Multiculturalism in Sociological Perspective” in Baubock, R., Heller, A. and Zolberg A. (eds) The Challenge of Diversity – Integration and Pluralism in Societies of Immigration , Aldershot, England: Gower/Avebury and European Centre Vienna: 133-154

E. Ben-Rafael (1996) “A paradigm of Jewish identities” Y.Kashti, F. Eros, D. Schers, D. Zisenwine (eds) A Quest for Identity: Post War Jewish Biographies , Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, School of Education, Studies in Jewish Culture, Identity and Community, : 187-203

E. Ben-Rafael and H. Brosh (1995), “Jews and Arabs in Israel : The cultural convergence of divergent identities” Ron Nettler (ed) Medieval and Modern Perspectives on Muslim-Jewish Relations , London : Harwood Academic Publishers, : 18-34

Also published in H. Herzog, E. Ben-Rafael (eds.) Language and Communication in Israel , New Brunswick and London: Transaction (2001): 289-312

E. Ben-Rafael (1995) “The kibbutz in the 1950s: A Transformation of Identity” in Ilan Troen and Noah Lucas (eds) Israel : The First Decade of Independence , NY : SUNY Press, 265-278

H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot (1995) “Secularization and the Diminishing Decline of Religion”, in S. Deshen, C. Liebman, M. Shokeid (eds) Israeli Judaism , New Brunswick, London: Transaction Publishers, pp.239-254 – originally published in Review of Religious Research 27 (1986): 193-207

E. Ben-Rafael (1993) “Francais et Francophonie en Israel”, in Fr. Massart-Pierard (ed.) La Langue: Vecteur d’Organisation Internationale , Louvain-La-Neuve: Editions d’Acadie/Academia,pp.76-95

E. Ben-Rafael (1992) “A zsido identitasformak egy paradigmaja” (A paradigm of Jewish identities) in Maria M. Kovacs, Ytzhak Kashti, Ferenc Eros (eds) Zsidosag Identitas Tortenelem (Problems of Jewish Identity) Budapest : T-Twins, 183-194

E. Ben-Rafael (1989) “Israel: Science, Universite Societe”, in D. Bensimon (ed.), Judaisme, Sciences et Techniques , Paris: Publications Langues d’O – I.N.A.L.C.O. – C.N.R.S., pp. 215-238.

H. Ayalon, E. Ben-Rafael, S. Sharot (1991) “Religious, Ethnic and Class Divisions in Israel : Convergent or Crosscutting: in Z. Sobol, B. Beit-Hallahami (eds.) Tradition, Innovation, Conflict: Judaism in Contemporary Israel , Albany , N.Y. : SUNY Press: 279-304

E. Ben-Rafael (1990) “Mobilite Sociale des Marocains et Yemenites en Israel” in J.P. Lasry, C. Tapia (eds.) Les Juifs du Maghreb: Diasporas Contemporaines, Montreal, Paris: Les Presses de l’Universite de Montreal, L’Harmaltan, 357-378.

E. Ben-Rafael (1989) “Acculturation and Assimilation in a Comparative Perspective”, Yosef Kaplan, Menahem Stern (eds.) Acculturation and Assimilation: Continuity and Change in the Cultures of Israel and the Nations, Jerusalem : The Zalman Shazar Center, (lead article): 7-28 (Heb.).

E. Ben-Rafael (1987) “Background, Nature and Impacts of Usurpation – Social Conflicts in Kibbutzim”, Y. Gorni, Y. Oved and I. Paz, (eds.) Kibbutz and Communes, Past and Future, Tel Aviv , New Brunswick : Transaction,: 472-486.

E. Yaar, E. Ben-Rafael, “The Changing Position of the Kibbutz in the Israeli Society,” Ibidem , 447-453.

E. Ben-Rafael, A. Grossbart-Schechtman (1988) “Female Work and Leadership in the Kibbutz”, L. Shamgar-Handelman, Russella Palombea (eds.) Alternative Patterns of Family in Modern Society, Rome : Collana Monographie: 469-482.

E. Ben-Rafael (1985) “Social Mobility and Ethnic Awareness” in A. Weingrod (ed.) After the Ingathering, Studies in Israeli Ethnicity, N.Y.: Gordon & Breach, 30 p. also published in Lissak, M. (ed.), Stratification in Israeli Society: Ethnic, National and Class Cleavages, vol. 1. Tel Aviv: The Open University of Israel Press, 1989, 287-309 (English).


E. Ben-Rafael (1983) “Dynamics of Social Stratification in Kibbutzim” in E. Kraucz (ed.) Sociology of the Kibbutz: Studies in Israeli Society N.Y.: Transaction Books: 195-208 (see also in International Journal of Comparative Sociology) .

E. Ben-Rafael (1982) “Sociological Aspects of the Conflict over the Territories”, The Palestinian Issue: Selected Aspects , Tel Aviv: Tel-Aviv University Press, pp. 47-75, (Heb)

E. Ben-Rafael (1981) “Ethnic Pluralism in Israel”, in Hebrew University, Jerusalem, The Levy Eshkol Institute, A Study Day 1974, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, pp. 22-48 (Hebrew).

E. Ben-Rafael (1979) “Immigration and Ethnicity in American Society – Commentary and Discussion”, in S. Slonim (ed.), The American Experience in Historical Perspective , Israel : Turtledove Publishing, pp. 157-160.

E. Ben-Rafael (1978) “Entrepreneurs in a Collective Community – the Kibbutz Regional Industrialists”, in M. Konopnicki & G. Vandewalle (eds.) Cooperation as an Instrument for Rural Development , Leicester and London: University of Ghent and the International Cooperative Alliance, pp. 76-83.

E. Ben-Rafael (1976) “The Stratification System of the Kibbutz”, in Y.H. Landau et al. (eds.), Rural Communities, N.Y.: Praeger, pp.133-147.

E. Ben-Rafael (1976) “Conflits Sociaux Sans Antagonismes Economiques”, in P. Rambaud (ed.), Sociologie Rurale: Recueil de Textes, La Haye: Mouton, pp. 136-139.

E. Ben-Rafael (1974) “Problemes Sociaux d’une Societe Collective: le Kibboutz”, in H. Desroches et al. (eds.), Societes Villageoises, Auto-Developpement et Cooperation, La Haye : Mouton, pp174-180

also in Archives de la Cooperation Rurale .