Theoretical Linguistics

Dor, Daniel (2005). Towards a Semantic Account of That-Deletion in English.  Linguistics, 43, 2, 345-382 download here

Dor, Daniel (2003). 0n Newspaper Headlines as Relevance Optimizers.  Journal of Pragmatics, 35, 5, 695-721 download here

Dor, Daniel (2000). From the Autonoly of Syntax to the Autonomy of Linguistic Semantics: Notes on the Correspondence Between the Transparency Problem and the Relationship Problem. Pragmatics & Cognition, 8, 2, 325-356.  download here

Dor, Daniel (1999). From Symbolic Forms to Lexical Semantics: Where Modern Linguistics and Cassirer’s Philosophy Start to Converge. Science in Context 12, 4, 493-511. download here

The Evolution of Language

Dor, Daniel and Eva Jablonka (2010). Plasticity and Canalization in the Evolution of Linguistic Communication: An Evolutionary-Developmental Approach. In: Larson, Richard, Viviane Deprez and Hiroko Yamakido (eds.), The Evolution of Human Language. Cambridge University Press. download here

Dor, Daniel and Eva Jablonka (2004). Culture and Genes in the Evolution of Human Language. In: Goren-Inbar, Naama and John D. Speth (eds.), Human Paleoecology in the Levantine Corridor. Oxbow Books.

Dor, Daniel and Eva Jablonka (2001). How Language Changed the Genes: Towards an Explicit Account of the Evolution of Language. In: Trabant, Jurgen and Sean Ward (eds.), New Essays on the Origin of Language. Mouton de Gruyter. download here

Dor, Daniel and Eva Jablonka (2000). From Cultural Selection to Genetic Selection: A Framework for the Evolution of Language. Selection 1, 1-3, 33-55. download here

Language and Globalization

Dor, Daniel (2004). From Englishization to Imposed Multilingualism: Globalization, the Internet and the Political Economy of the Linguistic Code. Public Culture, 16, 1, 97-118. (re-printed in: Bolton, Kingsley and Braj B. Kachru (eds.) (2006), World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Routledge.) download here

Dor, Daniel (2003). When Relativism Becomes a Marketing Strategy: Globalization, Knowledge, and the World Language System. In: Krizsan, Andrea and Violetta Zentai (eds.), Reshaping globalization: multilateral dialogues and new policy initiatives. CPS Books.

Dor, Daniel (2003). Why Economic Globalization May Stop the Global Spread of English (and Why We Have to be Worried Anyway). In: Lepenies, Wolf (ed.) Entangled Histories and Negotiated Universals: Centers and Peripheries in a Changing World. Campus Press