Welcome to the Emotion & Self Regulation lab
The Emotion & Self Regulation Lab in Tel Aviv University seeks to integrate basic and applied science in order to study the underlying mechanisms of emotion regulation and self-regulation among healthy and clinical populations.
To investigate these topics our lab utilizes Experiential, behavioral, physiological and electrophysiological methods.
Sheppes, G. (in press). Transcending the “Good & Bad” and “Here & Now” in Emotion Regulation: Costs and Benefits of Strategies across Regulatory Stages. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology.
To read these and other papers go to Publications
A new press release in Psychology Today covers our new study showing that attentional distraction can lower the desire and mental representation of tempting social-media information.
New study finds that empathy may bias emotional perception and that regulation of empathy can eliminate this bias. https://healthy.walla.co.il/item/3127114
Gal was interviewed in the Israeli radio (galgalatz) on the moderating role of regulatory flexibility in the relationship between traumatic exposure and PTSD symptoms.
Two press releases cover a new study from our lab that finds that the relationship between repeated traumatic exposure and PTSD symptoms is moderated by regulatory choice flexibility.
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wray-herbert/the-psychology-of-the-fir_b_6745506.html
- http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/news/were-only-human/the-psychology-of-the-firefighter.html
Four press releases cover a study from our lab that finds that positive and negative emotions were related to leftists’, but not rightists’, policy support in positive as well as highly negative conflict-related contexts, among both Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel.
- http://methodologyforpsychology.org/dr-eran-halperin-on-are-leftists-more-emotion-driven-than-rightists-the-interactive-influence-of-ideology-and-emotions-on-support-for-policies/
- http://tlv1.fm/the-tel-aviv-review/2014/11/22/emotions-begin-where-ideology-ends-the-social-psychology-of-the-conflict/
- http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/left-more-emotiondriven-than-right/story-e6frgcjx-1227117825822
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/11/141107091559.htm
* Huge congrats to Roni and Leemor for publishing their paper about down-regulation of sexual desire in Biological Psychology!
* Huge congrats to Nurit for publishing her paper on how neural working-memory filtering of Facebook information moderates the relationship between Facebook usage and anxiety in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience!
* Congrats to Roni for publishing her work on how anticipatory information influences emotion regulation, in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General!
* Congrats to Shirel for publishing her work on emotion regulation choice in children, in Cognition and Emotion!
* Huge congrats to Dr. Ruthie Pliskin who successfully defended her final dissertation!
* Congrats to Ruthie for publishing her recent work on the interactive influence of ideology and conflict related content on emotion generation and regulation in Emotion!
* Congrats to Roni for winning the Trotzki scholarship for outstanding Ph.D. students!
* Our lab gets funding from the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center to study the moderating role of neural Facebook filtering mechanism in the relationship between Facebook Usage and Anxiety and Depression.
* Huge congrats to Roni for publishing her second paper in a row in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience!!!
* Our lab gets funding from the Israel Science Foundation to study automatic and controlled processes in emotion regulation choice.
* Gal is now an Associate Professor at TAU
* Gal is now an Associate Editor in Emotion.
* Congratulations to Ruthie for publishing her paper, on the moderating influence ideology has on fleeing one’s country when facing different types of fear, in Journal of Experimental Social Pscyhology!!!
* Congratulations to Roni and Naama for publishing their paper, on the moderating influence of emotional intensity on emotion regulation, in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience!!!