Lab Director – Sheppes Gal
Professor Gal Sheppes, is a professor of psychology, the head of the clinical-science program, and the director of the Emotion and Self-Regulation Laboratory in the School of Psychological Sciences in Tel Aviv University. Gal received his B.A in behavioral sciences, M.A. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Ben-Gurion University in Israel. He then completed a two year postdoctoral training at the affective neuroscience program at Stanford University. He also engaged in clinical training in the Sderot area, working with children with various emotional problems, and in Ichilov hospital working with adults. Gal joined Tel Aviv University at 2011. In his studies he integrates basic and applied science in order to study the underlying mechanisms of emotion regulation and self-regulation among healthy and clinical populations. He also studies the influences of social media. Gal incorporates experiential, behavioral and electrophysiological methods. Gal has won the Rothschild fellowship for postdoctoral fellows, the Allon fellowship for outstanding young researchers, and received grants from ISF, BSF, National Institute of Psychobiology, and NIMH. He has published in major outlets including: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, Social, Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, Personality and Social Psychology Review.
Fine Naomi
My PhD research focuses on examining the efficacy of neurofeedback intervention for women suffering from PTSD on emotional regulation. I received my MA in Neuro-psychology and BA in Psychology from Ben-Gurion University. My research focuses on characterizing emotional regulation strategies among women after childhood sexual trauma and exploring the effect of down-regulating limbic networks, specifically amygdala, on emotional regulation and joint psychopathology. In addition to research, I am a registered certified psychologist with expertise in trauma.
Kritzman Lior
I am currently a Ph.D. student at the psychology department of The Tel-Aviv University. My primary research utilizes electrophysiological (electroencephalogram; EEG) and behavioral measures to study the effects of interoceptive attention (attention to internal bodily sensations) on the selection of emotion regulation strategies. Ultimately, I am interested in understanding how mindfulness meditation, which is thought to increase this form of attention, affects emotion regulation processes. My research is a collaboration of The Emotion & Self Regulation Lab at Tel Aviv University and the Sagol Center for Brain and Mind at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya. I received my M.A in clinical-research psychology from the IDC, and B.A in psychology and economics from Tel Aviv University. Additionally, I am a certified psychologist and work in a private clinic in Herzliya.
Shabat Maya
I completed my B.A in Psychology and Labor Studies and my M.A in Experimental Psychology at Tel Aviv University. Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. in the School of Psychological Sciences. Specifically, I am interested in the effect of different types of feedback on emotion regulation.
Sayag Maayan
I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. I
completed my B.A in Psychology and M.A in Social Psychology at The Open University of Israel. My current research examines how active and passive social media usage influence on procrastination, well-being, and goal pursuit in self-control contexts.
Nachman Glickman Nirit
I received my Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from Tel Aviv University, followed by postgraduate studies in Psychology at the Open University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University.
Shur Ofek
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology at Tel Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel Aviv University
Wahnich Alexia
I completed my B.A. studies in Psychology and Education at the Hebrew University Of Jerusalem. Currently, I am a M.A. student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University
Hasdai Udi
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology at Tel Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel Aviv University
Livneh Idan – Lab manager
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology at Tel Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel Aviv University
Dr. Shafir Roni
I completed my B.A. in Psychology and the Interdisciplinary Program in Humanities at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and my M.A. in Psychobiology at Tel-Aviv University. Currently, I am at the final stages of my Ph.D. in the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. I am interested in the important role expectations play in shaping emotion regulation processes. Specifically, utilizing behavioral and electrophysiological (EEG) methods, my current research projects are aimed at examining how the actual implementation of emotion regulation strategies is influenced by previous expectations regarding emotion regulation success.
Dr. Strenbreg Nurit
I am at the final stages of my Ph.D. in the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. My PhD research focuses on understanding the neural and cognitive basis of maladaptive social media usage. I completed my B.A in Psychology and Philosophy and received my M.A in Psychobiology at Tel-Aviv University. Currently, I’m in the midst of my clinical internship at the Sheba medical center at Tel Hashomer. My current research projects aim to understand the role of self-control and emotion regulation in social-media usage and the role of working memory neural mechanism in controlling tempting social-media information.
Salzer Deby
I completed my M.A. in Psychobiology at Tel-Aviv University and my B.A. in Psychology at the Open University.
Halpern Shira
I am at the final stages of my B.A in Psychology and my B.Ed in Education at Tel-Aviv University.
Gantz Noga
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology and General History at Tel-Aviv University.
Meirom Liron
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology at Tel-Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University.
Dardikman Adi

Levin Tchelet
I am studying for my M.A in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at the Tel-Aviv University. I Received my B.A in Psychology from the Open University of Israel.
Abraham Sharon
I completed B.A studies in Psychology at Tel-Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University
Peleg Nitzan
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology at Tel-Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University
Gruber Itay
I received my B.A in Psychology and Biology, with an emphasis on Neuroscience from Tel Aviv University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel Aviv University.
Medwed Stav
I completed my B.A studies in Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology at the academic college of Tel-Aviv Yaffo. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University. As part of my thesis I am investigating the Dunning-Kruger effect in regulatory selection flexibility.
Hanasav Daniela
I completed my B.Sc. studies in Psychobiology at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. I am currently an M.A. student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University. My thesis research focuses on regulatory selection flexibility mechanisms. In addition, I am part of an intervention study aiming to improve regulatory selection flexibility for people suffering from PTSD.
Shalev Nitsan
I completed my B.Sc. studies in Psychology at Potsdam University in Germany. I am currently an M.A. student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University. My thesis research focuses on a novel intervention for people suffering from PTSD, aimed to increase their regulatory selection flexibility. In addition, I am part of an intervention study aiming to improve regulatory selection flexibility for healthy people.
Dror Adi
I received my B.A in Psychology and Romance and Latin American studies from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I am currently an M.A student in the Clinical Psychology program at Tel – Aviv University.
Bacharach Zohar
I completed B.A studies in Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University.
Lefkovitch Tal
I completed B.A studies in Psychology and Hebrew literature at Ben-Gurion University. Currently, I am an M.A student in the Clinical-Research Psychology program at Tel-Aviv University. As part of my thesis I am working on an intervention study for people suffering from PTSD, in order to improve regulatory choice flexibility.
Gabay Shir
Shir received her B.Sc. in Psychology and Musicology from the Hebrew university in Jerusalem.
Most Carmel
I received my B.Sc. in psychobiology from Ben Gurion University of the Negev and I am currently an M.A student in the Cognition and Brain program at Tel Aviv University. I am interested in the differences between active and passive social networks usage and its relation to working memory, using behavioral and electrophysiological (EEG) methods.
Zeimer Talya
I received my B.A in Psychology from the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya and I am currently an M.A student in the cognition and brain program at Tel-Aviv University. I am interested in investigating different stages of the emotion regulation process, using behavioral and electrophysiological (EEG) methods.
Hadashi Aviv
I received my B.A in Psychology and Education from Tel-Aviv University and I am currently an M.A student in the Cognition and Brain program at Tel Aviv University. I am interested in investigating the relationship between emotion regulation and visual working memories, using electrophysiological (EEG) method.
Wettstein Dana
I am currently an M.A student in the clinical psychology program at Tel Aviv University, where I also completed my B.A in psychology and my LL.B. Research wise I am interested in emotion regulation processes and the factors which influence their development.
Amit Omer
Ben Aharon Noa
Luzon Erez
I Graduated BA in Psychology from the university of Haifa.
I am currently an MA student in the Clinical-Research program. my research focuses on the effect of monitoring on pre – implementation choice of emotion regulation strategy. specifically the research will explore the influence of doubt on the way people choose to regulate emotion.
Omer Yael
I received my B.Sc in biology and in psychology with an emphasis on neuroscience from Tel Aviv University and am currently an M.A student in clinical psychology at Tel-Aviv University. My research focuses on implementation of emotion regulation strategies in virtual reality simulation.
Reuven Yoav
I received my B.A in psychology and special education and I am currently completing my M.A in the clinical psychology program at Tel Aviv University. My research focuses on preferences for obtaining anticipatory information prior to emotion regulation. Specifically, after it was shown that preferences for obtaining information depend on emotion regulation strategies, the current research tests if the intensity of future emotional events also has a role in the decision whether to seek or avoid prior information.
Sarig Ofer
I am an MA student in psychology, in Tel Aviv University. I have completed an MA in Philosophy, and BA degrees in psychology, East Asian studies, and Film and Television, in Tel Aviv University. My current research examines the effects of targeting and mobilizing different aspects of valence and arousal of emotion in emotion regulation strategies.
Schwartz Naama
I completed my M.A. in Psychobiology at Tel-Aviv University, and currently continue working on neuroimaging data I acquired during my degree using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), collaborating with Prof. Talma Hendler. My thesis project concentrated on the impact of the contextual factor emotional intensity, on the neural mechanisms of different cognitive emotion regulation strategies. My current research focuses on the decision of how to regulate high and low negative experience, and aims to identify the neural processes underlying the motivation to regulate negative emotions via engagement or disengagement regulation strategies.
Shay Tamar
I received my B.A in Psychology, Art History and Fine Arts from Ben-Gurion University. Currently, I’m an M.A student in clinical psychology at Tel-Aviv University. My research will focus on emotion regulation of anger, specifically, I’m interested in examining what happens in the emotion generative system with regards to anger. Does anger produces the emotional tendency to avoid -similarly to other negative emotions, or to approach- similarly to positive emotions, despite being a negative valance emotion? I plan to examine this question by comparing cognitive resources spent on regulating anger under high and low intensities.
Zucker Leemor
Leemor received her B.Sc. in Biology and Linguistics from Sagol school of Neurosciences, Tel Aviv University in the program for outstanding students. She is currently a Masters student at Sagol school of Neurosciences. Her research in the lab is focused on emotion regulation of appetitive stimuli.
Dr. Dorman Shirel
I received my BA in Biology and Psychology, Brain studies, from Tel Aviv University. I’m currently a PhD student in the Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology program at the University of Haifa under the supervision of Prof. Rachel Tomer (University of Haifa) and Dr. Gal Sheppes (Tel Aviv University). I chose to focus on the post- implementation decision context of emotion regulation, which involves monitoring the activation of a regulatory strategy or tactic. Specifically, my study will investigate the different determinants of deciding whether to stop regulating, maintaining an implemented strategy or switching to a different regulatory option. My hobbies include baking and raising a disturbed cat.
Dr. Pliskin Ruthie
I am currently working towards my PhD in Social Psychology under the guidance of Eran Halperin, Daniel Bar-Tal, and Gal Sheppes. My research interests lie in the psychology of intergroup relations, with a focus on conflict, ideology and emotions. Accordingly, in my doctoral dissertation, I examine how ideology and the psychological needs associated with it influence emotional processes and their outcomes in the context of intergroup relations. More specifically, ideology may make people more or less likely to experience certain emotions or different intensities of emotion in the context of conflict, but it may also influence how people react to the same emotional experience, and it may influence the manner in which people regulate their emotions.
Singer Yoni
Graduated BA in Psychology and Management from Tel Aviv University. Currently an MA student in the Clinical-Research program. My research focuses on mapping emotion regulation strategies on an Engagement-Disengagement axis.
Lebowits Lilah
Graduated BA in Psychology and Business Administration from Tel Aviv University. Graduated MA student in the Child Clinical Psychology program. My research is related to Unaware Processes in Emotion Regulation Choice. In my spare time I like to cook and watch reruns of Seinfeld.
Margalit Nitzan
I’ve received my BA in behavioral science from Ben Gurion University. Graduated M.A. in the child clinical psychology program in Tel-Aviv University and starting my PhD. My research explores the nature of implicit and explicit processes in emotion regulation, specifically in emotion regulation choice. I’m investigating whether regulatory preferences reflect automatic associations with key contextual variables. In my free time I like to play sports, but mostly watch soccer games on TV.
Sade Yifat
I received my BA in Psychology and Cognitive Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Graduated MA student in the Child Clinical Psychology program. I’m interested in people’s knowledge and beliefs about their emotion regulation processes. Specifically, I’m researching the accuracy of forecasts and expectations people have concerning the efficacy and effortlessness of different emotion regulation strategies.