Chapters in Books

Tienda, Marta, and Haya Stier. 1991. “Joblessness or Shiftlessness? Labor Force Activity in Chicago’s Inner City.” Pp. 135-154 in Christopher Jencks and Paul E. Peterson (eds). The Urban Underclass. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution.

Stier, Haya & Marta Tienda. 1993. “Are Men Marginal to Their Families?” : 23-44 in Jane Hood (ed.) Men, Work, and Family. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication.

Tienda, Marta; Stier Haya. 1995. “The Wages of Race”. In Silvia Pedraza and Ruben G. Rumbaut. Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Pp. 417-431. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press.

Michael Braun, Noah Lewin-Epstein and Haya Stier. 1999. “Systemic and Cultural Determinants of Gender-role Attitudes” . Pp. 193-216 in Niko Tos, Peter Ph. Mohler and Brina Malner (eds.) Modern Society and Values: A Comparative Analysis on ISSP Project. Ljubljana: FSS, University of Ljubljana and ZUMA Mannheim.

Stier, Haya and Yossi Shavit. 2003. “Two Decades of Educational Intermarriage in Israel.” Pp. 315-330 in Blossfeld, H-P and Andreas Timm (eds.) Who marries whom? Educational Systems as Marriage Markets in Modern Societies. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ben-David, Dan, Avner Ahituv, Noah Lewin-Epstein and Haya Stier. 2005. “A Blueprint for Improving the the employment outlook in Israel.” Uriel Reichman and David Nachmias (eds.). Israel Towards the 6th Decade (Hebrew and English).

Stier, Haya. The Labor Market in Israel.” 2006. Pp. 385-392 in Uri Ram and Nitza Berkovitz (Eds.) In/equality in Israel. Ben Gurion University of the Negev. (Hebrew).

Stier, Haya “Conceptualization and measurements of institutional contexts: A Review.” 2009. Pp. 29-47 (Chapter 1) in Hans-Jürgen Andreß & Dina Hummelsheim (ed.) When Marriage Ends: Economic and social consequences of partnership dissolution – Comparative Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publising.

Stier Haya. 2010. “The end of “sole provider”: Dual-earner Families in Israel,” Pp. 17-46 in Varda Mulbauer and Liat Kulik (eds.) Working Families: Prents in the Labor Market in Israel: Social, Economic and Legal Perspectives. (in Hebrew).

Siew Ean Koo and Haya Stier. 2011. “The second generaion in Australia and Israel.” in A. Markus and M. Semyonov (Eds.) Immigration and Nation Building: Australia and Israel Compared. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Stier, Haya.2013 . “Changing earning composition in Palestinian-Israeli households: The emergence of the dual-earner family”. In Nabil Khatab & Sami Miaari (eds.) Palestinians in the Israeli Labor Market. Palgrave Macmillan.

Stier, Haya and Avital Sella-Dotan. 2014. “Work-Family Balance in the Era of Intensive Work.” Pp. 225-248 in I. Harpaz & R. Snir (Eds). Heavy Work Investment : Its Nature, Sources, Outcomes and Future Directions . New York & London: Routledge

Khattab, Nabil, Sami Miari and Haya Stier. 2016. “Introduction.” PP. 1-12 in Khattab, Nabil, Sami Miaari & Haya Stier (Eds,)  Socioeconomic Inequality in Israel: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis . Palgrave.


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