



2020 – 2022    Ioannis Mastrominas. Between Associated Dimensions: How parties’ pro-European positions constrained their options on fiscal policy.

2018 – 2020     Yuval Hirshorn. Tel Aviv University. Democratic Legitimacy and the Banking System.

2014 – 2016    Leonid Makukh. Tel Aviv University. Partisanship, Country Size, and International Tax Treaties in OECD Countries.

2006 – 2009     Idit Stern. Tel Aviv University. China and the World Trade Organization.

2005 – 2007     Nitzan Feldman. Tel Aviv University. Political Explanations for EU-Israeli Trade Relations.

2003 – 2004     Keren Raz-Netzer. Tel Aviv University. EMU, CFSP and the Need for Asymmetrical Relations.