
Moshe Hartman,  Hanna Ayalon. Ethnicity and Stratification in Israel. Megamot 21(2): 124‑139, 1975 (Hebrew).

Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. Sex and Ethnic Variations in Educational Plans: A Cross Cultural Perspective. International Review of Modern Sociology vol. 12: 1‑19, 1982.

Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. The Effects of Sex and Ethnicity on Expectations for Higher Education in Israel. Megamot 27(4): 349‑366, 1982 (Hebrew).

Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. Reply to the Comment ‘Sponsored Mobility among Boys and Girls of Western and Oriental Origin in Israel. Megamot 28(1): 114-118, 1983 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. Variations in Ethnic Identification of Israeli Jews. Ethnic and Racial studies 8 (3): 389‑407, 1985.

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Stephen Sharot. Ethnicity and Politics: Neglected Aspects. Israel Social Science Research 4(2): 58‑72, 1985.

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. Secularization and the Diminishing Decline in Religiosity. Review of Religious research 27(3): 193‑207, 1986.

Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. High School Attendance in a Sponsored Multi‑Ethnic system: The Case of Israel. Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization vol. 6, edited by A.C. Kerckhoff. Greenwich, Connecticut, JAI press, Pp. 45‑78, 1986. Reprinted in: E. Krausz (ed.),Studies in Israeli  Society vol. 4. New Brunswick and Oxford: Transaction Publishers, 1989.

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. The Costs and Benefits of Ethnic Identification. The British Journal of Sociology. 37 (4):550‑568,   1986.

Abraham Yogev,  Hanna Ayalon. The Effect of Tuition Free Secondary Schooling on quality of Educational Opportunities in Israel: Social Aspects and Economic Considerations. Rivon Lekalkala 131:873‑883, 1987 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. Ethnicity and Politics: Neglected Aspects. Megamot 30(3): 332‑348, 1987 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. Class Consciousness in Israel. International Journal of Comparative Sociology (3‑4): 158‑172, 1987.

Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. The Effects of Ethnic Origin and Social Class on High School Attendance in Israel. Megamot 31(1): 16‑34,1988 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon. Gender Differences in Occupational Aspirations:  Economic Aspects. Megamot 32(2): 133‑151, 1988 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. The Impact of Stratification: Assimilation or Ethnic Solidarity. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility vol. 7,edited by A. Kalleberg. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI press, Pp. 305‑326, 1988.

Hanna Ayalon, Eliezer Ben‑Rafael, Stephen Sharot. Ethnicity, Class and Friendship Networks: The Case of  Israel. International Sociology 4(3): 293‑310, 1989.

Hanna Ayalon, Ephraim Yuchtman‑Yaar. Educational Opportunities and Occupational Aspirations: A Two Dimensional Approach. Sociology of Education 62(3): 208‑219, 1989.

Hanna Ayalon. A Second Chance for Whom? The Social Impact of  Non‑Regular Education in Israel. Comparative Education Review 34(3): 302‑313, 1990.

Hanna Ayalon, Haia Jamshy, Abraham Yogev. School Integration in an Upwardly Mobile Community. Urban Education 25(4): 466‑482, 1991.

Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. Learning to Labor or Laboring to Learn? Curricular Stratification in the Israeli Vocational. High Schools. International Journal of Educational Development 11(3): 209‑219, 1991.

Hanna Ayalon, Rina Shapira, Rona Shavit. A Second Chance for Higher Education: Academic‑Preparatory Programs in Israel. Research in Higher Education 33(4): 497‑510, 1992.

Hanna Ayalon. School Tracking and Gender Differences in Occupational Aspirations: Economic Aspects.  International Perspectives on Education and Society vol. 2, edited by A. Yogev. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press: 259‑275, 1992.

Hanna Ayalon. Place of Residence, Ethnic Origin, and Curriculum Tracking. Megamot 34 (3): 382-401, 1992 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Abraham Yogev. Psychometric Tests, Matriculation Grades, and the  Prediction of Success in  University  Studies: Why is the Known Actually Unknown?  Megamot 36(1): 84-97, 1994 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon. Community Characteristics and Educational Opportunities in Israel. Research in Social  Stratification and Mobility vol. 13, edited by R.P. Althauser and  M. Wallace. Greenwich, CT: JAI press: 99-118, 1994.

Hanna Ayalon. Monopolizing Knowledge? The Ethnic Composition and Curriculum of Israeli High  Schools. Sociology of Education 67(4): 264-278, 1994.

 Hanna Ayalon. Math as a Gatekeeper: Ethnic and Gender Inequality in Course Taking of the Sciences in Israel . American Journal of Education 104: 34-56, 1995.

 Hanna Ayalon, Abraham Yogev. The Alternative Worldview of State Religious High Schools in Israel. Comparative Education Review 40, 7-27, 1996.

 Abraham Yogev, Hanna Ayalon. Between Policy and Research Considerations: Constructing a Welfare Index for Arab Schools in Israel. Israel Social Science Research 11, 115-142, 1996.

 Hanna Ayalon, Abraham Yogev. Students, Schools, and Enrollment in Science and Humanity Courses in Israeli  Secondary Education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 19, 339-353, 1997.

Hanna Ayalon, Adam Gamoran. Stratification in Academic Secondary Programs and Educational Inequality in Israel and  the United States. Comparative Education Review, 44, 54-79, 2000

Yossi Shavit, Hanna Ayalon, Michal Kurleander. Schooling Alternatives, Inequality, and Mobility in Israel Research in Sociology of Education 13,105-124, 2002.

Audrey Addi Raccah, Hanna Ayalon. Gender Differences in Job Appointment of Teachers British Journal of Sociology of Education 23 (2), 157-177, 2002.

Hanna Ayalon. Mathematics and Sciences Course Taking among Arab Students in Israel: A Case of Unexpected Gender Equality. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 24 (1), 63-80, 2002.

Svetlana Bolotin, Yossi Shavit, Hanna Ayalon. Expansion of Higher Education and its Impact on Stratification in Israel:  1980- 1996. Israeli Sociology, 7, 317-345, 2002  (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon. Women and Men go to University: Mathematics Background and Gender Differences in Choice of Field in Higher Education. Sex Roles, 48 (5/6), 277-290, 2003. Hebrew version: Gender Differences in the Choice of Fields of Study in Higher Education. Israeli Sociology, 2, 523-544, 2000.

Hanna Ayalon, Malka Margalit. Accomodations for Bagrut Examinations for Students with Learning Disabilities: The Role of School Policy. Megamot, 22, 1, 265-242, 2004 (Hebrew)

Hanna Ayalon, Yossi Shavit. Educational Reforms and Inequalities in Israel: The MMI Hypothesis Revisited. Sociology of Education, 77, 2, 103-120, 2004.

Audrey Addi-Raccah, Hanna Ayalon. Interrelatioship of Teacher’s Gender, Teaching Field, and Leadership Positions in Three Educational Systems in Israel. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 28, 63-93, 2004 (Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Abraham Yogev. Field of Study and Students’ Stratification in an Expanded System of Higher Education: The Case of Israel. European Sociological Review, 21,3,227-241,2005.

Hanna Ayalon. Non-Hierarchical Curriculum Differentiation and Inequality in Achievement: A Different Story or More of the Same? Teachers College Record, 108, 1186-1213, 2006.

Hanna Ayalon, Abraham Yogev. Stratification and Diversity in the Israeli Expanded System of Higher Education. Higher Education Policy 19, 187-293, 2006.

Hanna Ayalon. College Application Strategies: Who is Strategic? Does it Help? Higher Education 54, 885-905, 2007.

Audrey Addi-Raccah, Hanna Ayalon. From High School to Higher Education: Curricular Policy and Post-Secondary Enrollment in Israel. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 30, 31–50, 2008.

 Hanna Ayalon. Who Studies What? Where? Why? Social Implications of the Expansion and Diversification of Higher Education in Israel. Israeli Sociology 10, 33-60, 2008, (in Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon, Eric Grodsky, Adam Gamoran, Abraham Yogev. Diversification and Inequality in Higher Education: A Comparison between Israel and the United States. Sociology of Education 81, 211-241, 2008.

Hanna Ayalon, Gila Menahem. For-profit Mid-career Programs as a Second Chance. Higher Education Policy 23, 531-548, 2010.

Hanna Ayalon, Idit Livneh. Educational standardization and gender differences in mathematics achievement: A comparative study. Social Science Research, 42, 432–445, 2013.

Yariv Feniger, Yossi Shavit, Hanna Ayalon. Religiosity, Reading and Educational Achievement among Jewish Students in Israel. International Journal of Jewish Education Research, 2014 (7), 29-67, 2014.

Yariv Feniger, Oded Mcdossi, Hanna Ayalon. Ethno-Religious Differences in Israeli Higher Education: Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions. European Sociological Review, 31, 4, 383-396, 2015.

Yariv Feniger, Hanna Ayalon. English as a Gatekeeper: Inequality between Jews and Arabs in Access to Higher Education in IsraelInternational Journal of Educational Research, 76,104-111, 2016.

Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin, Sabina Lissitsa, Yossi Shavit and Hanna Ayalon. The Short Term Effects of Immigrant Students on the Educational Achievements of Native-Born Students. International Migration, 2016.

Yariv Feniger, Oded Mcdossi, Hanna Ayalon. Inequality in Bachelor’s Degree Completion: Social Background, Previous Achievement and Intuitional Characteristics. Israeli Sociology, 18, 82-104, 2016.

Hanna Ayalon. Fields of Study Chosen by First-Generation College Students from Economically Established Families: An Added Aspect of Horizontal Stratification in Israeli Higher Education. Megamot, 50 (1), 75-100, 2018, (in Hebrew).

Hanna Ayalon and Oded Mcdossi. Economic Achievements of Nonacademic Parents and Patterns of Enrollment in Higher Education of their Children: The Case of Israel. Higher Education, 77 (1), 135-153, 2019.

Yariv Feniger, Oded Mcdossi, and Hanna Ayalon. College Gender Composition and Bachelor’s Degree Completion: The Disadvantage of Enrollment in a Male-Dominated Institution. Journal of Gender Studies, 2021.

Hanna Ayalon, Oded Mcdossi, and Abraham Yogev. Institutional Selectivity, Curricular Policy, and Field of Study Stratification in Expanded Higher Education Systems: The Case of Israel. Higher Education Policy, 36, 93-115, 2023.

Yariv Feniger, Eyal Bar-Haim, Anastasia Gorodzeisky and Hanna Ayalon. Educational reforms and long-term educational and occupational achievements of students who attended high school in the 1990s: Ethnicity and gender among Israeli Jews. Kriot Israeliot 3, 2023 (in Hebrew).

Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Yariv Feniger, Hanna Ayalon. Child’s age at migration high school course-taking and higher education. Children and Youth Services Review, 155, 2023.