Liad Mudrik lab

Our Lab

Our Research

The lab investigates high-level cognition, both at the behavioral and neural level. More specifically, we are interested in the following questions:

1. What is consciousness, how does it come about, and what are its functions? The latter entails two additional questions; first, how deep does unconscious processing run and how it differs from conscious processing. Second, how is consciousness involved not only in information processing, but also in voluntary action.

2. How does cognition affect perception? We are interested in the way our expectations and semantic knowledge affect perceptual processing and our interpretation of the world.

Comp​aring theories​ of consciousness

Testing for consci​o​usness in humans and beyond

High-level proc​essing in the absence of awareness

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Finding new and more ecological ways to study the functions of consciousness

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Consciousness role in voluntary action (and free will debate)

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The effects of cog​nition on perception

Check out the ConTraSt database

Check out the UnonTruSt database

Recent Public​ations

Taking consciousness for real: Increasing the ecological validity of the study of conscious vs. unconscious processes


read article

Awareness is needed for contextual effects in ambiguous object recognition


read article

Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence:
Insights from the Science of Consciousness

Trends in Cognitive Sciences



Scientific American

New research findings, combined with philosophy, suggest free will is real but may not operate in the ways people expect


If AI becomes conscious, how will we know?
Scientists and philosophers are proposing a checklist based on theories of human consciousness


'Adversarial' search for neural basis of consciousness yields first results

News & Announcements