The article outlines three promising research directions in the field of mortality inequalities: Figure 2: The shift from gender- to class-based mortality inequalities across low-mortality countries. Sources: Human Mortality Database; Permanyer et al. (2018); Sasson (2016); Sasson and Hayward (2019);…
“Israel as a demographic anomaly” published in Strategic Assessment (with Alex Weinreb)
Our paper discusses Israel’s unique demographic profile, situated between Europe and the Middle East. We review recent trends in fertility, mortality and migration, and discuss the demographic challenges ahead. Read the full paper in English or in Hebrew. Figure 1:…
Upcoming talk at Stockholm University
SUDA Demographic Colloquium Series (September 19)
Upcoming talk at the University of Texas at Austin
At the Population Research Center and Center on Aging and Population Sciences Friday Seminar Series (March 22).
Upcoming talk at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Upcoming talk at Harvard University
Upcoming talk at Oxford University
Sociology Seminar Series at Nuffield College (January 17) Social Inequalities in Bereavement across the Life Course: A Study of Four-Generation Kinship Networks in Sweden