Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Sasson, Isaac. (2025). A new research agenda for social inequalities in mortality: Challenges and open questions. Population and Development Review (forthcoming).
Sasson, Isaac, and Alexander Weinreb. (2024). Israel as a demographic anomaly: Between Europe and the Middle East. Strategic Assessment: A Multidisciplinary Journal on National Security, 27(2): 70–84.
Shay, Dana, Yossi Shavit, and Isaac Sasson. (2024). Poverty in early childhood and future educational achievements. Early Child Development and Care, 194(5–6): 655–668.
Sasson, Isaac, and Yossi Harpaz. (2023). Demography as Destiny? Shifting Power Relations among Sectors in Israeli Society. Israeli Sociology, 24(2): 160–177. [Hebrew]
Bernstein, Shayna, and Isaac Sasson. (2023). Black and white differences in subjective survival expectations: An evaluation of competing mechanisms. SSM – Population Health, 21: 101339.
Permanyer, Iñaki, Isaac Sasson, and Francisco Villavicencio. (2023). Group- and individual-based approaches to health inequality: Towards an integration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 186(2): 217–240.
Sasson, Isaac, and Atalia Regev. (2022). Class-Based Inequalities in Health and Mortality in Israel: A Theoretical and Empirical Review. Israeli Sociology, 23(1): 109–132. [Hebrew]
Riffe, Tim, Enrique Acosta, Isaac Sasson, and the COVerAGE-DB team. (2021). Data Resource Profile: COVerAGE-DB: a global demographic database of COVID-19 cases and deaths. International Journal of Epidemiology, 50(2): 390–390f.
Sasson, Isaac. (2021). Age and COVID-19 mortality: A comparison of Gompertz doubling time across countries and causes of death. Demographic Research, 44: 379–396.
Cantu, Phillip, Connor M. Sheehan, Isaac Sasson, and Mark D. Hayward. (2021). Increasing Education-Based Disparities in Healthy Life Expectancy Among US Non-Hispanic Whites, 2000–2010. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences 76(2): 319–329.
Wilson, Ben, Sven Drefahl, Isaac Sasson, Paul M. Henery, and Caroline Uggla. (2020). Regional trajectories in life expectancy and life-span variation: Persistent inequality in two Nordic welfare states. Population, Space and Place 26(8): e2378.
Sasson, Isaac, and Ronen Shamir. (2020). The 1931 Census of Palestine and the Statistical (Un)making of an Arab Landless Class. Middle Eastern Studies 56(2): 239–256.
Sasson, Isaac, and Mark D. Hayward. (2019). Association Between Educational Attainment and Causes of Death Among White and Black US Adults, 2010–2017. JAMA 322(8): 756–763.
van Raalte, Alyson, Isaac Sasson, and Pekka Martikainen. (2018). The Case for Monitoring Life-span Inequality. Science 362(6418): 1002–4.
Sheehan, Connor, Jennifer Karas Montez, and Isaac Sasson. (2018). Does the Functional form of the Association between Education and Mortality Differ by U.S. Region? Biodemography and Social Biology 64(1): 63–81.
Crimmins, Eileen, Yasuhiko Saito, Jung Ki Kim, Yuan Zhang, Isaac Sasson, and Mark Hayward. (2018). Educational Differences in the Prevalence of Dementia and Life Expectancy with Dementia in the United States: Changes from 2000 to 2010. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences 73: S20–S28.
Sasson, Isaac, and Alexander Weinreb. (2017). Land Cover Change and Fertility in West-Central Africa: Rural Livelihoods and the Vicious Circle Model. Population and Environment 38(4): 345–68.
Cetorelli, Valeria, Isaac Sasson, Nazar Shabila, and Gilbert Burnham. (2017). Mortality and Kidnapping Estimates for the Yazidi Population in the Area of Mount Sinjar, Iraq, in August 2014: A Retrospective Household Survey. PLOS Medicine 14(5): e1002297.
Sasson, Isaac. (2016). Trends in Life Expectancy and Lifespan Variation by Educational Attainment: United States, 1990-2010. Demography 53(2): 269–93.
Sasson, Isaac. (2016). Diverging Trends in Cause-Specific Mortality and Life Years Lost by Educational Attainment: Evidence from United States Vital Statistics Data, 1990-2010. PLOS ONE 11(10): e0163412.
Hayward, Mark D., Robert A. Hummer, and Isaac Sasson. (2015). Trends and Group Differences in the Association between Educational Attainment and U.S. Adult Mortality: Implications for Understanding Education’s Causal Influence. Social Science & Medicine 127: 8–18.
Sasson, Isaac, and Debra J. Umberson. (2014). Widowhood and Depression: New Light on Gender Differences, Selection, and Psychological Adjustment. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 69(1): 135–45.
Sasson, Isaac, and Arthur Sakamoto. (2014). Non-poor Components of Population Growth and Immigration in the U.S., 1990-2010. Social Indicators Research 115(1): 183–201.
Commentaries and other publications
Sasson, Isaac. (2023). Lessons for Measuring Jewish Identity from Racial Categorization in Population Censuses: Commentary on According to Their Numbers. Contemporary Jewry, 43: 225–228.
Sasson, Isaac. (2017). Reply to Trends in Education-Specific Life Expectancy, Data Quality, and Shifting Education Distributions: A Note on Recent Research. Demography 54(3): 1215–19.
Cetorelli, Valeria, Isaac Sasson, Nazar Shabila, and Gilbert Burnham. (2017). ISIS’ Yazidi Genocide. Foreign Affairs (June 8).
Montez , Jennifer Karas, Isaac Sasson, and Mark D. Hayward. (2016). Declining U.S. Life Expectancy, 1990-2010. Health Affairs 35(3): 550.
Research reports
Vaknin, Dana, Yossi Shavit, and Isaac Sasson. (2019). Emerging Early Childhood Inequality: Poverty and Future Academic Achievement. State of the nation report: Society, economy and policy in Israel, 313-359. Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.
Sasson, Isaac. (2019). Long-Term Mortality Forecast for Israel: Evaluating Current Methods and Alternatives. Research report for the National Insurance Institute of Israel. [Hebrew]
Working papers
Sasson, Isaac, Linus Andersson, Alyson van Raalte, and Diego Alburez-Gutierrez. (2024). Social Inequalities in Bereavement across the Life Course: A Study of Four-Generation Kinship Networks in Sweden.
Permanyer, Iñaki, and Isaac Sasson. (2024). Multivariate decomposition of lifespan inequality: A research note.