Measuring Jewish identity in population surveys is challenging. In most countries Jews are a small minority group, which requires wide canvassing efforts to collect sufficiently large representative samples. Moreover, Jewish identity reflects a mixture of religion, ancestry, and culture, which…
A Demographic Perspective on Israel’s Regime Crisis: New paper in Israeli Sociology (with Yossi Harpaz)
Abstract: Against the backdrop of the attempted judicial overhaul, tensions between different sectors in Israeli society are intensifying. In this paper, we revisit the seminal work of Baruch Kimmerling, who announced the end of secular Zionist hegemony and the emergence…
Poverty in early childhood and future educational achievements (with Dana Shay and Yossi Shavit)
Read our paper in Early Child Development and Care.
“Group- and individual-based approaches to health inequality” published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (with Iñaki Permanyer & Francisco Villavicencio)
A new decomposition method of inequality in length of life to reconcile group- and individual-based approaches to health inequality. Rather than focus on group differences in life expectancy, it allows us to answer, for example, what is the probability that…
Postdoctoral vacancy at the BMI Demography Lab
Looking for a postdoctoral fellow to join an ISF-funded research project on mortality inequalities in the United States and in Israel. The position is offered for two years, to begin no later than October 2023. See call for applications for…
“Black and white differences in subjective survival expectations” published in SSM-Population Health (with Shayna Bernstein)
Do Americans who expect to live longer actually live longer? The answer varies by race and gender. For example, white men on average underestimate their longevity whereas black men overestimate it. Why? Read the full paper here. Figure 2: Subjective…
Awarded Center Grant from the Ministry of Innovation, Science & Technology
The five-year grant (with Itai Sened, Vered Blass, Asher Tishler, and Hadas Mamane Steindel) will kickstart the Applied Systems Analysis Excellence Center at Tel Aviv University. As head of the center’s demography branch, I encourage doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who…
Demography session at the IIASA-Israel Symposium
Announcing the 54th annual meeting of the Israeli Sociological Society, to be held at Tel Aviv University
Awarded ISF Personal Research Grant to study “the social dynamics of lifespan inequality”
The study will examine inequalities in length of life, over time, by class, gender, and race/ethnicity in Israel and the United States. It will draw on diverse data sources, ranging from census and population registry data (Israel) to vital statistics…
“Class-Based Inequalities in Health and Mortality in Israel:” review paper published in Israeli Sociology (with Atalia Regev)
Abstract: Israel, like other high-income countries, exhibits substantial and rising class disparities in health and mortality. Individuals with high levels of education and income benefit on average from better physical and cognitive health, as well as lower mortality rates. Yet…
Profile on COVID-19 demographic database published in International Journal of Epidemiology
Glad to have taken part in this important project, involving more than 80 researchers worldwide and led by Tim Riffe and Enrique Acosta from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Special thanks to Erez Shomron, a former student and…
Upcoming Webinar: New Perspectives on Lifespan Inequality
The Herczeg Institute on Aging at Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics (University of Southern Denmark) and the Leverhulme Center for Demographic Science (Oxford University), is pleased to announce its upcoming webinar on New…
Aging and COVID-19 mortality: What do we currently know?
COVID-19 is often portrayed as a “disease of the elderly,” but is this portrayal supported by the evidence? How does the risk of dying from COVID-19 vary by age? How does it compare with other causes of death? And how…
Persistent regional inequalities in mortality in Finland and Sweden: New article in Population, Space and Place
“Regional trajectories in life expectancy and lifespan variation: Persistent inequality in two Nordic welfare states” published in PSP (with SUDA researchers Ben Wilson, Sven Drefahl, Paul Henery, and Caroline Uggla). Key finding: In both Finland and Sweden, life expectancy increased…
Postdoctoral vacancy at the BMI Demography Lab
Recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to join my Demography Lab, currently focusing on social inequalities in health and mortality. The position is for 1 to 2 years and will start on October 2020. For additional information see the call for applications.
New article in Middle Eastern Studies
My first foray into historical sociology published in Middle Eastern Studies (with Ronen Shamir). Our study traces the politics of census-making in British-ruled Palestine surrounding the question of Arab landlessness. Based on archival work, we demonstrate how Jewish statistical expertise and…
Workshop on Inequalities in Health, Longevity and Aging
I am pleased to announce the 2nd Tel Aviv Workshop on Inequalities in Health, Longevity, and Aging. The workshop is organized in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics at the University of Southern Denmark and the Herczeg Institute…
Visit at the European University Institute in Florence
I will be spending the fall semester at the EUI’s Department of Political and Social Sciences and Comparative Life Course and Inequality Research Centre (CLIC) as Visiting Fellow. Special thanks to Fabrizio Bernardi and Juho Härkönen for inviting me and…
“Association between Educational Attainment and Causes of Death Among White and Black US Adults, 2010–2017” published in JAMA (with Mark Hayward)
“The social shaping of uncertainty in length of life” presented at the Healthy Aging Symposium (Tel Aviv University)
Forecasting Israeli mortality and life expectancy in 2065 (research report for Bituah Leumi)
Long-term mortality forecasts are critical for government planning and welfare provision, because life expectancy has direct implications for health expenditure and old-age state pensions, among other factors. Yet, forecasting Israeli life expectancy has proven especially challenging for several reasons. First,…
“The case for monitoring life-span inequality” published in Science (with Alyson van Raalte & Pekka Martikainen)
The case for monitoring life-span inequality is over-whelming: (DOI: 10.1126/science.aau5811) — PRU HelsinkiUni (@PRUhelsinkiuni) January 18, 2019
Concluded the first Tel Aviv Workshop on Inequality and Uncertainty in Length of Life
Special thanks to the ECSR for supporting the workshop and to all the participants for presenting their research.
Upcoming seminar on Population Health in the Middle East at the University of Pavia (February 26-27)