Trzewik, M., Goshen-Gottstein, Y., Yovel, G., & Liberman, N. (2024). Group information enhances recognition of both learned and unlearned face appearances. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Rosemblaum, M., Guy, N., Grosbard, I., Abudarham, N., & Yovel, G. (2024). Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv, 2024-06.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Maayan Trzewik, Nira Liberman, Galit Yovel (2024) A Shift from Image-Based to Identity-Based Face Recognition is Enhanced by Social Significance but Mediated by Perceptual Experience.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., Bash, E., & Bate, S. (2024). Humans' extreme face recognition abilities challenge the well-established familiarity effect. Cognition, 251, 105904.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Kliger, L., & Yovel, G. (2024). Distinct Yet Proximal Face-and Body-Selective Brain Regions Enable Clutter-Tolerant Representations of the Face, Body, and Whole Person. Journal of Neuroscience, 44(24).Chicago
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Shoham, A., Grosbard, I. D., Patashnik, O., Cohen-Or, D., & Yovel, G. (2024). Using deep neural networks to disentangle visual and semantic information in human perception and memory. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-16.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Shoham, A., Broday-Dvir, R., Malach, R., & Yovel, G. (2024). The organization of high-level visual cortex is aligned with visual rather than abstract linguistic information. bioRxiv, 2024-11.
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LINKMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Shoham, A., Broday-Dvir, R., Yaron, I., Yovel, G., & Malach, R. (2024). Text-related functionality of visual human pre-frontal activations revealed through neural network convergence. bioRxiv, 2024-04.
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LINKMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Trzewik, M., Liberman, N., & Yovel, G. A Shift from Image-Based to Identity-Based Face Recognition is Enhanced by Social Significance but Mediated by Perceptual Experience.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., Grosbard, I., & Abudarham, N. (2023). Deep learning models challenge the prevailing assumption that face-like effects for objects of expertise support domain-general mechanisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1998), 20230093.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., Abudarham, N., & Yovel, G. (2023). Why psychologists should embrace rather than abandon DNNs. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 46, e414.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Schwartz, L., Cohen, M., Xu, S., Liu, J., & Yovel, G. (2023). The social‐encoding benefit in face recognition is generalized to other‐race faces. British Journal of Psychology, 114, 213-229.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Honig, T., Shoham, A., & Yovel, G. (2022). Perceptual similarity modulates effects of learning from variability on face recognition. Vision Research, 201, 108128.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Abudarham, N., Grosbard, I., & Yovel, G. (2021). Face recognition depends on specialized mechanisms tuned to view‐invariant facial features: Insights from deep neural networks optimized for face or object recognition. Cognitive science, 45(9), e13031.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Abudarham, N., Bate, S., Duchaine, B., & Yovel, G. (2021). Developmental prosopagnosics and super recognizers rely on the same facial features used by individuals with normal face recognition abilities for face identification. Neuropsychologia, 160, 107963.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Shoham, A., Kliger, L., & Yovel, G. (2022). Learning faces as concepts improves face recognition by engaging the social brain network. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17(3), 290-299.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Simhi, N., & Yovel, G. (2020). Dissociating gait from static appearance: A virtual reality study of the role of dynamic identity signatures in person recognition. Cognition, 205, 104445.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Kliger, L., & Yovel, G. (2020). The functional organization of high-level visual cortex determines the representation of complex visual stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(39), 7545-7558.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & Abudarham, N. (2021). From concepts to percepts in human and machine face recognition: A reply to Blauch, Behrmann & Plaut. Cognition, 208, 104424.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Simhi, N., & Yovel, G. (2021). Independent contributions of the face, body, and gait to the representation of the whole person. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 199-214.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Simhi, N., & Yovel, G. (2020). Can we recognize people based on their body-alone? The roles of body motion and whole person context. Vision Research, 176, 91-99.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Abudarham, N., Grosbard, I., & Yovel, G. (2021). Face recognition depends on specialized mechanisms tuned to view‐invariant facial features: Insights from deep neural networks optimized for face or object recognition. Cognitive science, 45(9), e13031.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Schwartz, L., & Yovel, G. (2019). Learning faces as concepts rather than percepts improves face recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(10), 1733.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Abudarham, N., Shkiller, L., & Yovel, G. (2019). Critical features for face recognition. Cognition, 182, 73-83.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Schwartz, L., & Yovel, G. (2019). Independent contribution of perceptual experience and social cognition to face recognition. Cognition, 183, 131-138.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Omer, Y., Sapir, R., Hatuka, Y., & Yovel, G. (2019). What is a face? Critical features for face detection. Perception, 48(5), 437-446.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Abudarham, N., & Yovel, G. (2019). Same critical features are used for identification of familiarized and unfamiliar faces. Vision research, 157, 105-111.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Bernstein, M., Erez, Y., Blank, I., & Yovel, G. (2018). An integrated neural framework for dynamic and static face processing. Scientific reports, 8(1), 7036.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Gilad-Gutnick, S., Harmatz, E. S., Tsourides, K., Yovel, G., & Sinha, P. (2018). Recognizing facial slivers. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 30(7), 951-962.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Simhi, N., & Yovel, G. (2017). The role of familiarization in dynamic person recognition. Visual Cognition, 25(4-6), 550-562.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Bernstein, M., Erez, Y., Blank, I., & Yovel, G. (2017). The processing of dynamic faces in the human brain: Support for an integrated neural framework of face processing. BioRxiv, 140939.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Brezis, N., Bronfman, Z. Z., Yovel, G., & Goshen-Gottstein, Y. (2017). The electrophysiological signature of remember–know is confounded with memory strength and cannot be interpreted as evidence for dual-process theory of recognition. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 29(2), 322-336.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Arizpe, J., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., & Baker, C. I. (2017). The categories, frequencies, and stability of idiosyncratic eye-movement patterns to faces. Vision Research, 141, 191-203.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Schwartz, L., & Yovel, G. (2016). The roles of perceptual and conceptual information in face recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145(11), 1493.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Freiwald, W., Duchaine, B., & Yovel, G. (2016). Face processing systems: from neurons to real-world social perception. Annual review of neuroscience, 39(1), 325-346.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Simhi, N., & Yovel, G. (2016). The contribution of the body and motion to whole person recognition. Vision Research, 122, 12-20.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & O’Toole, A. J. (2016). Recognizing people in motion. Trends in cognitive sciences, 20(5), 383-395.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Abudarham, N., & Yovel, G. (2016). Reverse engineering the face space: Discovering the critical features for face identification. Journal of Vision, 16(3), 40-40.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Brandman, T., & Yovel, G. (2016). Bodies are represented as wholes rather than their sum of parts in the occipital-temporal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 26(2), 530-543.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G. (2016) Neural and Cognitive Face-Selective Markers: An Integrative Review. Neuropsychologia, 83, 5-13. Special Issue: Functional Selectivity in Perceptual and Cognitive Systems ? A Tribute to Shlomo Bentin (1946-2012)
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Stropahl, M., Plotz, K., Schönfeld, R., Lenarz, T., Sandmann, P., Yovel, G., ... & Debener, S. (2015). Cross-modal reorganization in cochlear implant users: Auditory cortex contributes to visual face processing. Neuroimage, 121, 159-170.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Duchaine, B., & Yovel, G. (2015). A revised neural framework for face processing. Annual review of vision science, 1(1), 393-416.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Bernstein, M., & Yovel, G. (2015). Two neural pathways of face processing: A critical evaluation of current models. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 55, 536-546.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Horowitz, A., Barazany, D., Tavor, I., Bernstein, M., Yovel, G., & Assaf, Y. (2015). In vivo correlation between axon diameter and conduction velocity in the human brain. Brain Structure and Function, 220, 1777-1788.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Axelrod, V., Bar, M., Rees, G., & Yovel, G. (2015). Neural correlates of subliminal language processing. Cerebral Cortex, 25(8), 2160-2169.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Axelrod, V., & Yovel, G. (2015). Successful decoding of famous faces in the fusiform face area. PloS one, 10(2), e0117126.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel G., and Bernstein M. (2015) Face Perception: Extracting Social Information from Faces: The Role of Static and Dynamic Face Information. In: Arthur W. Toga, editor. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Academic Press: Elsevier; pp. 73-78.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Tavor, I., Yablonski, M., Mezer, A., Rom, S., Assaf, Y., & Yovel, G. (2014). Separate parts of occipito-temporal white matter fibers are associated with recognition of faces and places. Neuroimage, 86, 123-130.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Bernstein, M., Oron, J., Sadeh, B., & Yovel, G. (2014). An integrated face–body representation in the fusiform gyrus but not the lateral occipital cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 26(11), 2469-2478.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., Wilmer, J. B., & Duchaine, B. (2014). What can individual differences reveal about face processing?. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 562.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Erez, Y., & Yovel, G. (2014). Clutter modulates the representation of target objects in the human occipitotemporal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(3), 490-500.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Sadeh, B., & Yovel, G. (2014). Extracting Visual Evoked Potentials from EEG Data Recorded During fMRI-guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, (87), 51063.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Mehoudar, E., Arizpe, J., Baker, C. I., & Yovel, G. (2014). Faces in the eye of the beholder: Unique and stable eye scanning patterns of individual observers. Journal of vision, 14(7), 6-6.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., & Belin, P. (2013). A unified coding strategy for processing faces and voices. Trends in cognitive sciences, 17(6), 263-271.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & Freiwald, W. A. (2013). Face recognition systems in monkey and human: are they the same thing?. F1000prime reports, 5.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Susilo, T., Yovel, G., Barton, J. J., & Duchaine, B. (2013). Face perception is category-specific: evidence from normal body perception in acquired prosopagnosia. Cognition, 129(1), 88-94.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Axelrod, V., & Yovel, G. (2013). The challenge of localizing the anterior temporal face area: a possible solution. Neuroimage, 81, 371-380.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Axelrod, V., & Yovel, G. (2012). Hierarchical processing of face viewpoint in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(7), 2442-2452.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Arizpe, J., Kravitz, D. J., Yovel, G., & Baker, C. I. (2012). Start position strongly influences fixation patterns during face processing: Difficulties with eye movements as a measure of information use. PloS one, 7(2), e31106.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., Halsband, K., Pelleg, M., Farkash, N., Gal, B., & Goshen-Gottstein, Y. (2012). Can massive but passive exposure to faces contribute to face recognition abilities?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(2), 285.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Amit, E., Mehoudar, E., Trope, Y., & Yovel, G. (2012). Do object-category selective regions in the ventral visual stream represent perceived distance information?. Brain and cognition, 80(2), 201-213.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Brandman, T., & Yovel, G. (2012). A face inversion effect without a face. Cognition, 125(3), 365-372.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
De Vos, M., Thorne, J. D., Yovel, G., & Debener, S. (2012). Let's face it, from trial to trial: comparing procedures for N170 single-trial estimation. Neuroimage, 63(3), 1196-1202.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Gilad-Gutnick, S., Yovel, G., & Sinha, P. (2012). Recognizing degraded faces: The contribution of configural and featural cues. Perception, 41(12), 1497-1511.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Axelrod, V., & Yovel, G. (2011). Nonpreferred stimuli modify the representation of faces in the fusiform face area. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(3), 746-756.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Hadas, D., Yovel, G., & Intrator, N. (2011). Using unsupervised incremental learning to cope with gradual concept drift. Connection Science, 23(1), 65-83.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Blank, I., & Yovel, G. (2011). The structure of face–space is tolerant to lighting and viewpoint transformations. Journal of vision, 11(8), 15-15.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Sadeh, B., Pitcher, D., Brandman, T., Eisen, A., Thaler, A., & Yovel, G. (2011). Stimulation of category-selective brain areas modulates ERP to their preferred categories. Current Biology, 21(22), 1894-1899.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
McKone, E., Hall, A., Pidcock, M., Palermo, R., Wilkinson, R. B., Rivolta, D., ... & O'Connor, K. B. (2011). Face ethnicity and measurement reliability affect face recognition performance in developmental prosopagnosia: Evidence from the Cambridge Face Memory Test–Australian. Cognitive neuropsychology, 28(2), 109-146.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Pitcher, D., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., & Kanwisher, N. (2011). The role of lateral occipital face and object areas in the face inversion effect. Neuropsychologia, 49(12), 3448-3453.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., Pelc, T., & Lubetzky, I. (2010). It's all in your head: why is the body inversion effect abolished for headless bodies?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(3), 759.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Axelrod, V., & Yovel, G. (2010). External facial features modify the representation of internal facial features in the fusiform face area. Neuroimage, 52(2), 720-725.Chicago
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Sadeh, B., Podlipsky, I., Zadanov, A., & Yovel, G. (2010). Face-selective fMRI and Event-related potential responses are highly correlated: Evidence from simultaneous ERP-fMRI investigation. Human Brain Mapping, 31(10), 1490-1501.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Brandman, T., & Yovel, G. (2010). The body inversion effect is mediated by face-selective, not body-selective, mechanisms. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(31), 10534-10540.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Sadeh, B., & Yovel, G. (2010). Why is the N170 enhanced for inverted faces? An ERP competition experiment. Neuroimage, 53(2), 782-789.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Hadas, D., Intrator, N., & Yovel, G. (2010). Rapid object category adaptation during unlabelled classification. Perception, 39(9), 1230-1239.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Bleich-Cohen, M., Strous, R.D., Even, R., Yovel, G, Iancu, I , Olmer, A. T. Hendler. (2009). Blunted Brain Reactivity to Bizarre Facial Expression in First-Episode Schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping, 30(8), 2606-2616.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Bowles, D. C., McKone, E., Dawel, A., Duchaine, B., Palermo, R., Schmalzl, L., ... & Yovel, G. (2009). Diagnosing prosopagnosia: Effects of ageing, sex, and participant–stimulus ethnic match on the Cambridge Face Memory Test and Cambridge Face Perception Test. Cognitive neuropsychology, 26(5), 423-455.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Bar-Haim, Y., Saidel, T., & Yovel, G. (2009). The role of skin colour in face recognition. Perception, 38(1), 145-148.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
McKone, E., & Yovel, G. (2009). Why does picture-plane inversion sometimes dissociate perception of features and spacing in faces, and sometimes not? Toward a new theory of holistic processing. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 16(5), 778-797.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G. (2009). The shape of facial features and the spacing among them generate similar inversion effects: A reply to. Acta Psychologica, 132(3), 293-299.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Butler, P. D., Tambini, A., Yovel, G., Jalbrzikowski, M., Ziwich, R., Silipo, G., ... & Javitt, D. C. (2008). What's in a face? Effects of stimulus duration and inversion on face processing in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research, 103(1-3), 283-292.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Sadeh, B., Zhdanov, A., Podlipsky, I., Hendler, T., & Yovel, G. (2008). The validity of the face-selective ERP N170 component during simultaneous recording with functional MRI. Neuroimage, 42(2), 778-786.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., Tambini, A., & Brandman, T. (2008). The asymmetry of the fusiform face area is a stable individual characteristic that underlies the left-visual-field superiority for faces. Neuropsychologia, 46(13), 3061-3068.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & Kanwisher, N. (2008). The representations of spacing and part-based information are associated for upright faces but dissociated for objects: Evidence from individual differences. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 15(5), 933-939.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Duchaine, B., Yovel, G., & Nakayama, K. (2007). No global processing deficit in the Navon task in 14 developmental prosopagnosics. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2(2), 104-113.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Duchaine B. & Yovel G. (2007). Face Recognition. In Tom Albright and Richard Maslin (Eds.) The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference. Vol. 2 pp. 329-357.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., & Duchaine, B. (2007). TMS evidence for the involvement of the right occipital face area in early face processing. Current Biology, 17(18), 1568-1573.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Duchaine, B. C., Yovel, G., Butterworth, E. J., & Nakayama, K. (2006). Prosopagnosia as an impairment to face-specific mechanisms: Elimination of the alternative hypotheses in a developmental case. Cognitive neuropsychology, 23(5), 714-747.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Kanwisher, N., & Yovel, G. (2006). The fusiform face area: a cortical region specialized for the perception of faces. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 361(1476), 2109-2128.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & Duchaine, B. (2006). Specialized face perception mechanisms extract both part and spacing information: Evidence from developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(4), 580-593.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., Paller, K. A., & Levy, J. (2005). A whole face is more than the sum of its halves: Interactive processing in face perception. Visual cognition, 12(2), 337-352.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & Kanwisher, N. (2005). The neural basis of the behavioral face-inversion effect. Current biology, 15(24), 2256-2262.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., & Kanwisher, N. (2004). Face perception: domain specific, not process specific. Neuron, 44(5), 889-898.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Yovel, G., & Paller, K. A. (2004). The neural basis of the butcher-on-the-bus phenomenon: when a face seems familiar but is not remembered. Neuroimage, 21(2), 789-800.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., Levy, J., Grabowecky, M., & Paller, K. A. (2003). Neural correlates of the left-visual-field superiority in face perception appear at multiple stages of face processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(3), 462-474.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
Levy, J., Yovel, G., & Bean, M. (2003). Facilitation and disruption of lateralized syllable processing by unattended stimuli in the opposite visual field. Brain and language, 85(3), 432-440.
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linkMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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Yovel, G., Yovel, I., & Levy, J. (2001). Hemispheric asymmetries for global and local visual perception: effects of stimulus and task factors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27(6), 1369.
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PDFMandy Rosemblaum, Nitzan Guy, Idan Grosbard, Libi Kliger, Naphtali Abudarham, Galit Yovel (2024) Concurrent emergence of view invariance, sensitivity to critical features, and identity face classification through visual experience: Insights from deep learning algorithms. bioRxiv preprint
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