Jacobson H, Ongil Z, Algom D & Usher M (2024). Valence in perception: Are affective valence and visual brightness integral dimensions in visual experience? Conciousness & Cognition, 126, 103783.

Lee DG, Tsetsos K, Pezzulo G, Shahar N & Usher M (2024). Variability and accessibility of information huid gaze dynamycs in decision making. Decision,  ISSN: 2395-9965.

Grinfeld G, Usher M & Liberman N (2024). Expecting to integrate additional information improves averaging of experience. Scientific Reports,


Usher M, Jacobson H,  Tsuchiya N (2023). "When philosophical nuance matters: safeguarding consciousness research from restrictive assumptions". Frontiers in Psychology (Research Topic: Methodological issues in Consciousness Research), vol 14.

Glickman M, Sela T, Usher M &   Levy DJ (2023). "The effect of perceptual organization on numerical and preference‑based decisions shows inter‑subject correlation", Psych Bull & Rev., 30: 1410–1421


Glickman M, Moran R & Usher M(2022).Evidence integration and decision confidence are modulated by stimulus consistency. Nature Human Behaviour

Rosenbaum D, Glickman M, Fleming SM & Usher M (2022). The Cognition/Metacognition Trade-Off. Psychological Science.


Usher M. (2021). Refuting the unfolding-argument on the irrelevance of causal structure to consciousnessConsciousness & Cognition

Hadar B, Glickman M, Trope Y, Liberman N & Usher M. (2021). Abstract Thinking Facilitates Aggregation of Information. J. of Exp. Psychol. General.

Lee, DG, & Usher, M. (2021). Value certainty in drift-diffusion models of preferential choice. Psychological Review.

Rosenbaum D, Glickman M & Usher M (2021). Extracting Summary Statistics of Rapid Numerical Sequences. Frontiers in Psychology.


David Rosenbaum & Vincent de Gardelle & Marius Usher (2020). Ensemble perception: Extracting the average of perceptual versus numerical stimuli. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics

Pradyumna Sepulveda, Marius Usher, Ned Davies, Amy Benson, Pietro Ortoleva & Benedetto De Martino (2020). Visual attention modulates the integration of goal-relevant evidence and not value. E-Life

Naama Katzin & David Rosenbaum & Marius Usher (2020). The averaging of numerosities: A psychometric investigation of the mental line.  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics; https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-020-02140-w
Guy Grinfeld,  David Lagnado,  Tobias Gerstenberg, James F. Woodward and Marius Usher (2020).  Causal responsibility and Robust causation. Frontiers in Psychology.
Marius Usher, Konstantinos Tsetsos, Moshe Glickman & Nick Chater (2019). Selective Integration: An Attentional Theory of Choice Biases and Adaptive Choice. Current Directions in Psychological Sciences.
Gil Suzin, Ramit Ravona-Springer, Elissa L. Ash, Eddy J. Davelaar and Marius Usher (2019). Differences in Semantic Memory Encoding Strategies in Young, Healthy Old and MCI Patients. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

Moshe Glickman, Orian Sharoni, Dino J. Levy, Ernst Niebur, Veit Stuphorn & Marius Usher (2019). The formation of preference in risky choice. PLOS Computational Biology.

Moshe Glickman & Marius Usher (2019). Integration to boundary in decisions between numerical sequences. Cognition.

Michael Brusovansky, Nira Liberman & Marius Usher (2019). Goal-dependent flexibility in preferences formation from rapid payoff sequences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 1-10.
D Cadar, M Usher, EJ Davelaar (2018). Age-related deficits in memory encoding and retrieval in word list free recall. Brain sciences 8 (12), 211
BC Talluri, AE Urai, K Tsetsos, M Usher, TH Donner (2018). Confirmation bias through selective overweighting of choice-consistent evidence. Current Biology
Moshe Glickman, Konstantinos Tsetsos & Marius Usher (2018). Attentional Selection Mediates Framing and Risk-Bias Effects. Psychological Science.
Marius Usher (2018). Agency, Teleological Control and Robust Causation. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (in press); Omission-supplement
Michael Brusovansky, Moshe Glickman & Marius Usher (2018). Fast and effective: intuitive processes in complex decisions. Psychonomic Bulleting & Review (in press).
Vanunu Y, Pachur T & Usher M. (2018). Constructing Preference From Sequential Samples: The Impact of Evaluation Format on Risk Attitudes. Decision (in press).
Usher Marius, Zohar Bronfman, Shiri Talmor, Jacobson Hilla & Eitam Baruch (2018). Consciousness without report: insights from summary statistics and inattention “blindness”. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.

Bronfman Zohar, Jacobson Hilla & Usher Marius (2018). Impoverished or rich consciousness outside attentional focus: Recent data tip the balance for Overflow. Mind & Language, 34:423–444.

Neural computation, 1-19.
Bronfman Zohsr, Brezis Noam, Lazarov Amit , Usher Marius, Bar‐Haim Yair (2017). Extraction of mean emotional tone from face arrays in social anxiety disorder. Depression and anxiety

Kalantroff Eyal, Davelaar Eddy,  Avishai Henik, Liat Goldfarb & Marius Usher (2017). Task Conflict and Proactive Control: A Computational Theory of the Stroop Task. Psych. Review, in press.

Michael Brusovansky, Yonatan Vanunu & Marius Usher (2017). Why We Should Quit While We’re Ahead: When Do Averages Matter More Than Sums? (Proof version). Decision, in press.

Müller Hermann, Liesefeld HR, Moran Rani, Usher Marius. (2017). Parallel attentive processing and pre-attentive guidance. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40
Brezis, N., Bronfman, Z. Z., Jacoby, N., Lavidor, M., & Usher, M. (2016). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Parietal Cortex Improves Approximate Numerical Averaging. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Zohar Rusou, Dan Zakay & Usher Marius (2016). Intuitive number evaluation is no affected by Information processing load. In "Advances in Human Factors Management Training and Education". Proceedings of AHFE 2016.

Tsetsos K, Moran R, Moreland J, Chater N, Usher M, & Summerfield C. (2016). Economic irrationality is optimal during noisy decision making. PNAS.

Bronfman ZZ, Brezis N, and Usher, M. (2016). Non-monotonic Temporal-Weighting Indicates a Dynamically Modulated Evidence-Integration MechanismPLoS Comput Biol 12, no. 2

HR Liesefeld, R Moran, M Usher, HJ Müller, M Zehetleitner (2016). Search efficiency as a function of target saliency: The transition from inefficient to efficient search and beyond. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (6), 821


Moran, R., Zehetleitner, M., Liesefeld, HR., Müller, HJ.,  & Usher, M. (2015). Serial vs. parallel models of attention in visual search: accounting for benchmark RT-distributions (Proof version). Psychonomic bulletin & review (The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com)

Tsetsos, K., Chater, N., & Usher, M. (2015). Examining the mechanisms underlying contextual preference reversal: Comment on Trueblood, Brown, and Heathcote (2014)Psychological review, 122(4), 838-847

Kalanthroff, E., Henik, A., Derakshan, N., & Usher, M. (2015). Anxiety, Emotional Distraction, and Attentional Control in the Stroop Task. Emotion. Advance online publication.

Teodorescu, A. R., Moran, R., & Usher, M. (2015). Absolutely relative or relatively absolute: violations of value invariance in human decision makingPsychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-17.

Bronfman ZZ, Brezis N, Moran R, Tsetsos K, Donner T, Usher M. (2015). Decisions reduce sensitivity to subsequent information. Proc. R. Soc. B. download

Brezis, Noam, Zohar Z. Bronfman, and Marius Usher (2015). Adaptive Spontaneous Transitions between Two Mechanisms of Numerical Averaging. Scientific reports 5.

Moran, R., Teodorescu, A. R., & Usher, M. (2015). Post choice information integration as a causal determinant of confidence: Novel data and a computational account. Cognitive psychology, 78, 99-147.


Kalanthroff, E., Avnit, A., Henik, A., Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2014). Stroop proactive control and task conflict are modulated by concurrent working memory load. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 1-7.

Shahar, N., Teodorescu, A. R., Usher, M., Pereg, M., & Meiran, N. (2014). Selective influence of working memory load on exceptionally slow reaction times. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(5), 1837.

Kalanthroff, E., Usher, M., & Henik, A. (2014, August). The interaction between emotional stimuli and attentional control in healthy and anxious individuals. In JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE (Vol. 53, pp. S66-S67).

Bronfman, Z. Z., Brezis, N., Jacobson, H., & Usher, M. (2014). We See More Than We Can Report “Cost Free” Color Phenomenality Outside Focal Attention. Psychological science, 25(7), 1394-1403. Supplement

Elhalal, A., Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2014). The role of the frontal cortex in memory: an investigation of the Von Restorff effect. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8.


Moran, R., Zehetleitner, M., Müller, H. J., & Usher, M. (2013). Competitive guided search: Meeting the challenge of benchmark RT distributions. Journal of vision, 13(8), 24.

Kalanthroff, E., Goldfarb, L., Usher, M., & Henik, A. (2013). Stop interfering: Stroop task conflict independence from informational conflict and interference. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(7), 1356-1367.

Ossmy, O., Moran, R., Pfeffer, T., Tsetsos, K., Usher, M., & Donner, T. H. (2013). The timescale of perceptual evidence integration can be adapted to the environment. Current Biology, 23(11), 981-986.

Rusou, Z., Zakay, D., & Usher, M. (2013). Pitting intuitive and analytical thinking against each other: The case of transitivity. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 20(3), 608-614.

Usher, M., Tsetsos, K., Erica, C. Y., & Lagnado, D. A. (2013). Dynamics of decision-making: from evidence accumulation to preference and belief. Frontiers in psychology, 4.

Teodorescu, A. R., & Usher, M. (2013). Disentangling decision models: From independence to competition. Psychological review, 120(1), 1.


Older Publications by topic (before 2013)


Usher M, Russo Z, Wyers M, Brauner R & Zakay D (2011). The impact of the mode of thought on complex decisionsFrontiers in Cognitive Science.

Tsetsos, K., Usher, M. & McClelland, J. L (2011). Testing multi-alternative choice models with non-stationary evidenceFrontiers in Decision Neuroscience.

Tsetsos, K., Chater N. & Usher, M. (2010). Preference reversal in multi-attribute choice. Psychological Review, 117 (4), 1275-1291.

Bogacz, R., Usher, M., Zhang, J. and McClelland, J.L (2007). Extending a biologically inspired model of choice: multialternatives, nonlinearity and value-based multidimensional choice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B.

Usher, M. and McClelland, J. L. (2004). Loss aversion and inhibition in dynamical models of multialternative choice (proofs version). Psychological Review, 111 (3), 757-769

Usher, M., Olami, Z. and McClelland, J.L. (2002). Hick's law in a stochastic race model with speed-accuracy tradeoff

Usher, M. and McClelland, J.L. (2001). On the Time Course of Perceptual choice: The leaky competing accumulator model. PsychologicalReview, 108, 550-592 .

Tsetsos K, Gao J, McClelland JL & Usher M (2012). Using time-varying evidence to probe decision dynamicsFrontiers in Decision. Neuroscience. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, 6 00079

Tsetsos K, Chater N & Usher M. (2012). Salience driven value integration explains decision biases and preference reversal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 24, 9659-9664.

Attention, grouping and neural synchrony

Cheadle S, Parton A, Mueller H & Usher M (2010). Subliminal gamma flicker draws attention even in the absence of transition-flash cues. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Cheadle, S., Usher, M. & Muller H. (2010). Rapid visual grouping and figure ground processing using temporally structured displays.Vision Research, 50, 1803-1813.

Bauer F, Cheadle S, Parton A, Mueller H & Usher M (2009). 50Hz flicker triggers attentional selection without awarenessPNAS.

Cheadle S, Bauer F., Parton A, Bonneh Y, Mueller H & Usher M (2008). Spatial structure affects temporal judgments: Evidence for a synchrony binding codeJournal of Vision.

Parton A, Tobias, TH, Donnely, N & Usher M (2006). Perceptual grouping based on temporal structure: Impact of subliminal flicker and visual transients.  Visual Cognition.

Usher, M. (2006). What has been learned from computational models of attention? Neural Networks (Special Issue).

Usher, M. and Davelaar, E.J. (2002). Neuromodulation of decision and response selection Neural Networks, 15, 635-645.

Usher, M., Cohen, J., Servan-Schreiber, D., Rajkowsky, J. and Aston-Jones, G. (1999) The role of Locus Coereleus in the regulation of cognitive performance. Science, 283, 589-554.

Usher, M. and Donnelly, N. (1998). Visual synchrony affects binding and segmentation processes in perception,  Nature.

Usher, M. and  Niebur, E. (1996). Modelling the temporal dynamics of IT neurons in visual search: a mechanism for top-down selectiveattention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8(3), 305-321.

Stemmler M,Usher M & Niebur E. (1995). Lateral Interactions in Primary Visual Cortex: A Model Bridging Physiology and Psychophysics. Science, 269, 1877-1879. (PDF: stemmler95.pdf).


Usher, M., Davelaar, E. J., Haarmann, H. J., & Goshen-Gottstein, Y. (2008). Short-term memory after all: comment on Sederberg,Howard and Kahana (2008). Psychological Review, 115, 1108-1118.

Davelaar EJ, Haarmann HJ, Goshen-Gottstein Y and Usher M (2006). Semantic similarity dissociates short from long-term recency effects: Testing a neurocomputational model of list memory Memory & Cognition, 34, 323-334.

Davelaar, E. J., Goshen-Gottstein, Y., Ashkenazi, A., Haarmann, H. J. and Usher, M. (2005). The demise of short term memory revisited: empirical and computational investigations of recency effects. Psychological Review, 112, 3-42.

Haarmann, H. J., Ashling, G. E., Davelaar, E. J. and Usher, M. (2005). Age-related Declines in Context Maintenance and Semantic Short-term Memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, A.

Vernon, D. and Usher, M. (2003). The dynamics of metacognitive judgements: pre- and post-retrieval mechanisms.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, Learning Memory and Cognition, 29, 339-346.

Haarmann, H. J., Davelaar E. J. and Usher M. (2003). Individual differences in semantic short-term memory capacity and readingcomprehension Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 320-345.

Haarmann, H. and Usher, M. (2001). Maintenance of semantic information in capacity limited item short-term memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8, 568-578 .

Usher, M. and Cohen, J.D. (1999). Short Term Memory and Selection Processes in a Frontal-Lobe Model.  In Connectionist Models in Cognitive Neuroscience, London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 78-91

Philosophy of Mind

Usher Marius (2006). Control, choice and the convergence / divergence dynamics: a compatibilistic probabilistic theory of free will. Journal of Philosophy

Usher, M. (2004). Comment on Ryder's SINBAD Neurosemantics: Is Teleofunction Isomorphism the Way to Understand RepresentationsMind and Language, 19, 241-248.

Usher, M. (2001). A Statistical Referential Theory of Content: Using Information Theory to account for Misrepresentation Mind and Language, 16, 311-334.

Very old publications (before 1995)

Usher Marius, Stemmler Martin, Christof Koch & Zeev Olami (1994). Network Amplification of Local Fluctuations Causes High Spike Rate Variability, Fractal Firing Patterns and Oscillatory Local Field Potentials. Neural Computation.
M Usher, M Stemmler, Z Olami (1995). Dynamic Pattern Formation Leads to 1 f Noise in Neural Populations. Physical Review Letters 74 (2), 326

Ö Bernander, C Koch, M Usher (1994). The effect of synchronized inputs at the single neuron level. Neural Computation 6 (4), 622-641.

M Usher, D Zakay (1993). A Neural Network Model for Attribute‐Based Decision Processes. Cognitive Science 17 (3), 349-396.
M Herrmann, E Ruppin, M Usher (1993). A neural model of the dynamic activation of memory. Biological cybernetics 68 (5), 455-463.

D Horn, M Usher (1991). Segmentation binding and illusory conjunctions.  Neural computation, 3 (4), 510-525.

D Horn, M Usher (1990). Excitatory–inhibitory networks with dynamical thresholds. International Journal of Neural Systems 1 (03), 249-257.
D Horn, M Usher (1989). Neural networks with dynamical thresholds. Physical Review A 40 (2), 1036.
LP Horwitz, M Usher (1991). Localizability and causal propagation in relativistic quantum mechanics. Foundations of Physics Letters 4 (3), 289-295
B Rosenstein, M Usher (1987). Explicit illustration of causality violation: Noncausal relativistic wave-packet evolution. Physical Review D 36 (8), 2381